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The almost scorching daytime temperatures have fortunately cooled to a more tolerable level as the dark blanket that is the night sky is illuminated only by the trillions of stars. I stare up at them with wonder and awe from the passenger seat of the hire jeep as it navigates through the barren desert landscape. At the wheel sits Becker who expertly drives over and through the sand dunes, the large grippy tires of the jeep preventing us from getting stuck. I lean against the door frame with the window fully wound down, the gentle breeze whipping around my loose hair.  The journey has so far taken around thirty minutes and Becker estimates that we will be at our destination very shortly, I'm looking forward to it.

"How's the precious cargo?" Becker breaks the comfortable silence with a comment that earns him a tilted look and grin from me. Acting on his curiosity I lean over my right shoulder whilst turning my frame to glance into the back seat of the right hand drive vehicle. Safety secured on the back seat with a seatbelt over it is the crate of beer that Becker is referring to. Seeing no leaks or cracked glass I return to my forward facing position before responding.

"The precious cargo looks intact" I inform him and I am rewarded with a nod of satisfaction. As I turn my attention back out the window, a gentle orange hue over the next sand dune confirms to me that we have arrived. Becker expertly drives over the dune before dimming the lights to not blind the company awaiting us. The orange and yellow glow is soon revealed to be a large bonfire, the sparks floating gently into the sky before burning out. Becker is quick to spot the two other jeeps so keeping with the trend, he parks up ours before cutting out the engine. I don't wait around as I'm quick to hop out before opening the rear door, unbuckling the seatbelt and scooping the precious beer crate into my arms. Becker joins my side swiftly as he shuts the rear door for me before we walk side by side towards the warming bonfire. After the events of earlier today, a cold drink and a heat source are exactly what is needed.

"Finally! Becker we were about to call a search party on your asses" Derosa is the first to make himself known as he steps out from behind the fire with a vivid and playful smile etched across his face. His overly dramatic comments earns chuckles from Becker and I before the driver himself replies.

"We drove slow to preserve the beer, wouldn't want us smashing it!" Becker counter questions in an equally playful manner just as Jackson and Grant emerge from the darkness.

"Now that's true" Grant takes his chance to comment as he points at Becker with an approving nod. Grant approaches me with opens hands and I read his actions easily. I carefully hand him the case of alcohol, it's coldness leaving my hands a paler colour than normal. I automatically feel drawn to the large bonfire that the guys took the curtesy to set up, the crackling of the burning sticks makes it even more welcoming. I step towards it with outstretched hands, it's warmth instantly feeling me with a cozy feeling. It's gentle hue illuminates my facial features, most importantly the happy yet soft smile I unconsciously have on.

"Hey Sophia, here" Becker's voice snaps me from the mesmerising sight of the fire. I look over my right shoulder to see Becker holding out a bottle of beer for me to take. Turning my frame to the group who are huddled around the table holding the crate, I take the beer gladly but not unnoticed.

"Sophia are you even old enough to drink?" Derosa's tease and childish facial expressions earn a chuckle from the three others and a very high raised eyebrow from me. Derosa hides his face behind his beer as he awaits my comeback, and damn I'm going to give him one.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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