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The doors slam hard behind me as I charge out of the building. I take an immediate left and quickly walk the distance between the door and the corner of the building where a ladder is attached. Without stopping I whip my left leg and hand up onto the metal ladder and follow with my right leg and hand. The ladder leads me directly to the roof of the warehouse which quite resembles the warehouse I killed Michelle in.
When I reach the top, the usually cold air of the English city hits me. Goosebumps pop up all over my body as I stand up straight and walk along the right hand edge of the ceiling. I don't trust the structural support of the centre of the roof so I skirt around it. When I reach the opposite side of the building I lower myself to the ground and cross my legs, revealing the city in the far distance. Putting things into perspective always helps to calm me down. My blonde hair floats forward as the wind is coming from behind me. My black coat is the only thing keeping the chilling temperature at bay.

Being around the guys again and the whole shit-storm with Charlie and The Huntsman has made me paranoid and I find myself asking myself did I over step the line back there with Jackson. I didn't lie, that was actually my plan. The four guys were going to be the only ones who left that building alive so I guess I didn't. Jackson said something he shouldn't have, that's all. I bring up my knees and wrap my arms around them, resting my chin on my hands. I think I'll just stay here for a while.

- - -

Two hours  I spend sitting on that rooftop, two hours I spent an easy target for a sniper rifle, for The Hunstman. Although I know he isn't there, I can't help but imagine how he would do it. Depends on how much he dislikes me, I highly doubt he would do a head shot because that's instant death with zero pain. For him, where's the fun in that? I can imagine he would aim for a limb which would in time cause death but it would be a painful death, very painful. How do I know? Because it's exactly what I would do.

I release a deep sigh that takes multiple seconds to finish and when I breath back in, I realise I have company.

"Still using the same cologne Jackson?" I call out loudly so he can hear me.

"I just can't seem to give it up" He replies as he appears in my vision to my right. It's a similar answer he gave me back in Bogota, he just likes it too much he had said.

"Here" He says and hands me a cup of coffee that has a strong stream of steam rising from the hot liquid. Before i take it, i look up to him, curious as to why he is doing this? His facial scars seem emphasized under the moonlight but his eyes seem softer than they have been before. I take the warm recyclable cup in both my hands and hold it close to my chest to let the steam warm up my face and neck. Jackson lowers himself to the edge beside me, the structure creaking under his weight.

"I over reacted, for that I apologise" Jackson says moments later as he rubs his thumb off the rim of his coffee cup.

"Don't apologise" I say blatantly, thats one of my rules. Saying sorry for something that already happened shows weakness, that's what I was taught anyway but I can see it's flaws. I see Jacksons head slump, embarrassment in his facial expressions.

"Look, we need to get on to some extent for this to work. That means compromises on both parts" I explain calmly to him as I know we clash and that we need to act like adults.

"I agree" he replies in his own way, a low deep emotionless tone.

"Are you sure you're up for this Jackson? I know Becker is but I need to know if shit goes sideways you have my back. Doesn't matter who comes after us, I need to know that you won't turn on me?" I question with doubt in my voice. My eyes stare at the side of his face, his eyes avoid mine.

"I thought you didn't do team work?" Jackson repeats my previous words and then tilts his head so that I can see more of his face, and his rare smirk. I admire his witty response and raise my eyebrows at his comment.

Suddenly, the smile drops off my face like a stone being dropped into the ocean. I freeze to the spot, my eyes staring into the distance, my mouth slightly open.

"Are you okay?" Jackson notices my reaction to something and I stare at him, mouth still wide.

"I know the link" I simply mutter out and Jacksons facial expressions change also. I scan his eyes and he does the same.

"What?" He whispers but he has to catch up because I'm already running across the rooftop to get back down to Becker to prove my theory. I hear Jacksons footsteps behind me as we race across the terrain and down the ladder. I charge back into the building and meet a surprised looking Becker.

"Hey what's wrong? I could hear you running across the roof?" He asks me and Jackson who follows soon after.

"I know what links me, the Huntsman and the original hit" I exclaim shakily as I run past Becker and to the table that holds all our shared information. As I arrive at the table, my hands go to work pulling pages from files and pictures from documents.

"Sophia talk to us" Becker asks as he and Jackson arrive at my side.

"It was all a set up, I had a suspicion it was but now it's so clear" I begin to ramble.

"What was?" Jackson questions as he appears to my left at the other edge of the table watching me a mad woman throw away pages that don't fit what I'm looking for.

"Charlie told me what the link was and I fucking dismissed it. That's when The Huntsman fired at us with a sniper, it slipped my mind" I continue.

"How could I have forgotten. It was so vital" I keep going as the pages in front of me begin to take form.

"Sophia?" Becker exclaims as he wishes for me to stop and explain. So that's what I do. I stop and take a step back revealing the relevant pages on the desk. My heart is racing and my limbs are on the verge of shaking as I join all the dots.

"The link was there all along. It was there from the very start back in DC. The link is the reason we worked together, the reason I contacted you in the first place" I say to them in hope they figure it out. Jackson, being smarter than he looks, begins to join the same dots.

"Moore.." he drifts and I nod at his answer.

"What do Moore and The Huntsman and Mr Weatherly from the original hit, all have in common?" I lay out the last of my information and judging by the pair of shocked and confused faces I receive, they know.

"Ficter..." Becker drops the f bomb.


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