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Instantly I think of my training, I'm the only person not freaking out and I'm also the only person not on the ground. With that I lower myself to  ground level like the others. I slide my hand into my coat and stuff the gun down a large modified pocket. With the gun out of sight I scan the people around me, particularly the guards and my target. Two of the guards are ushering and shielding Mr Weatherly out of the area while the other guard scans everyone including me before scanning the rooftops of the buildings that surround. He has his handgun drawn and is searching for the culprit. The people around me have their arms around each other as they keep their heads low. I however am watching the rooftops and for a good reason also because judging by the damage and the sheer noise of the weapon used, I know it was a sniper. It was the same deafening noise that took X's life. I look up to the rooftops directly opposite the salad bar and keep my eyes moving. One area of the rooftop is obstructed by the large frame of the bodyguard. He too must have thought it was a sniper because he is ignoring the people who lay at his feet. In the background my mind is thinking of how we can get away from this because i have a funny feeling Mr Weatherly wasn't the target in that hit.

Running the numbers such as the position of myself and Weatherly, the weapon used, the window that shattered, this person wasn't trying to kill the corrupt Minster. The faint sounds of sirens becomes audible in the distance which is both good and bad. As I keep thinking about escape scenarios, there's a small but very distinct flash that just catches my eye before it is hidden behind the body of guard. It's something I've seen before and my prediction is confirmed when the loud cracking sound of the sniper rifle echoes through the air as a lone silver bullet fires from the location of the flash. The screams of the trapped civilians fill the air as they wait for the next victim but I already know who it is. The only person who was in the way of the killer and me was the guard and he now lays very dead on the ground, a pool of the deep red liquid forming from under his body. The blood soon fills the area underneath his gun which has come to a rest beside his dead body. Now I'm in the open and the sniper knows it. I look to the streets and I've yet to see any police cars so I quickly turn my attention to the people around me. I need to move now because the sniper has his sights on me.

"Okay everyone listen to me, we need to move. If we stay here we are sitting ducks, we can all get out of this alive if you listen to me. When I say run, everyone start running down the street towards the sirens okay? Ready...RUN" I yell and to my pleasant surprise the twenty people around me listen and we all arise and start running.

We push each other as we try to get out of the small enclosure first but I hang back until around ten of the people have gone through. I keep my glasses on but my eyes are glued to the position of the attacker. When I'm out of the enclosure a number of people from behind push through and start sprinting down the road towards to sound of safety which is the sirens. Me however, I don't start running until I've walked across the street and my right shoulder is against the building that the sniper is on. From here I am invisible so I start to run, eager to flee before the police start holding people for questioning. Anger is flowing through me, there's so many unanswered questions racing through my head but for now I just need to get back to my hotel room. I keep running even as dozens of police cars and ambulances speed past heading to the scene of the crime. People who are curious stay nearby with their cameras and it's not long until the news reporters turn up. Polished and clean, they stand in front of the camera and start rambling trying to get as much air time as possible and try to get their story published first.

I don't dare to stop walking, I keep going with my hands deep in my pockets and my head down all the way to the hotel room. My attacker won't follow, they wouldn't dare. Thankfully the hotel is only a seven minute speed walk away and soon enough I'm unlocking the door to the lavish hotel room. I slam it closed behind me, my chest heaving in anger. I walk over to the large window that looks down upon the city below and even though I'm on the fifteenth floor I can still hear and a see the sirens as they blast through the streets. I grab a hold of the curtains in each hand and pull them closed, shutting out any natural light to the room. I unbuckle my jacket and remove the gun. I drop the coat to the cream carpet and let the gun fall on top of it. I kick off my sneakers and push them to the side. Starting at the bed I start to pace from the bed to the bathroom door over and over again while I talk aloud. Anger and confusion laden my tone.

The Girl Behind The BulletsWhere stories live. Discover now