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"How on earth are we going to find Charlie and The Huntsman?" I question as we all sit around the same table but this time the millions of sheets from various documents have been replaced by two large pizza boxes, you got to eat you know. I'm currently half way through a nice big slice of margarita pizza while the men chomp away on a Mexican pizza.

"Well none of us are geniuses when it comes to computers and IT so really I don't know" Becker is the first to reply even though he doesn't take his eyes off his pizza slice.

"Bombs are my thing, not computers, that's Hartle's thing" Jackson adds on to the pointless conversation as he also admires the glorious slice of pizza in his hands. However, I can't help but drag out his point.

"Jackson were you impressed with my bomb diffusing skills way back when?" I tease him and by the smirk I receive, he takes it like the joke I meant it to be.

"Bombs are actually quite easy to figure out, they are made to look way worse than they actually are" Jackson adds and I couldn't agree more. I nod while he speaks.

"Exactly, they all have the same base and then its all the unnecessary shit they pile on top to make it look like a nuke" I continue to add as I pick up a new slice of pizza and take a small bite from the tip. Jackson nods his head in agreement much like I was to him, however, Becker looks a little bit confused.

"Are you two really bonding over how easy peezy lemon squeezy bombs are to defuse?" He switches from Jackson to me then back to Jackson. Jackson and myself shrug shoulders as a yes for an answer and Becker simple mutters jokingly under his breath before also taking another slice of pizza.

"Wait, Hartle. He's here?" I question as I replay the conversation back in my head and pick out the name that doesn't sit right with me.

"I'm pretty sure Grant told him to get over here after the hotel accident, Grant and Derosa are as useless with computers as we are, they need him and so do we quite frankly" Becker explains and I agree with his few words, Charlie was the IT guy but obviously he can't come to the phone right now.

"Shit, he can track us, hell he found you guys when I kidnapped you all but I don't need to go into detail" I point out a valid fact that he could very possibly find us.

"He's loyal to Grant, there's no swaying him plus you shot him remember so I don't think he's very fond of you " Jackson states and then it all comes back.

"Oh yeah, I did, I forgot about that. But in my defense I did tell him to leave and not come back so he had it coming" I throw my pizza-free hand up in defence but I merely receive a stray glare from the tallest man in the room. He doesn't mean it seriously though, I'm beginning to learn the differences between his glares and stares.

"Still doesn't answer the question of how we are supposed to find them, he could just kill Charlie and leave" Becker reinstates the vital question we all should be thinking about not about who has put bullet holes in who.

"He won't kill him, he'll hurt him and probably torture him but he definitely won't kill him" I answer with confidence.

"How can you be so sure, he's a psychopath and very unpredictable" Jackson is quick on my heels.

"Guessing his movements will be fairly easy to do, it's pinpointing exactly where he will be will be the hardest bit" I explain.

"I'm sorry you've lost me, what do you mean?" Becker places his pizza slice back into the box and diverts his full attention to me.

"The Huntsman and myself are like apples, we fell from the same tree. He won't kill Charlie because it's like a game of cat and mouse, similar to the one we originally played way back when. Charlie is the bait for me to catch" I put it into the simplest terms I can think off.

"So what he will do is what you would do" Jackson says slowly as if trying to figure it out himself while saying the words.

"Precisely. And if I was in his boots I would be outside of the city, far enough for privacy but not too far that he is isolated completely. He probably has a house or a warehouse where he is keeping Charlie, no close neighbors" I answer Jackson's question and answer my own original question at the same time.

"Okay so that narrows it a little bit but we still don't know where he will be" Becker points out a very valid point and i don't have an answer to that so i simply shrug my shoulders. I hadn't noticed that Jackson had pulled out his phone and was actually quite consumed by whatever he was looking at, however, he was about to make it known.

"Shit..." Jackson whispers gently but there is a lot of weight behind it so it captures both Becker's and my attention.

"What?" I question as I unfold my crossed legs and turn my body to face that of Jackson's.

"No that can't be possible.." Jackson ignores my question and continues to mutter to himself. Becker and myself share a puzzled gaze before Becker tries his luck.

"Hey man, what's the problem?" Becker says a little more loudly than I did and it works. Jackson peels his eyes from the screen before scanning my face and then Becker's.

"There's a max security prison in the middle of Nebraska, it's very well hidden and not many know about it. A few hours ago there was an explosion at the prison, it got messy" Jackson explains but it doesn't make sense to me, meaning i don't join the dots immediately.

"You're not saying what I'm thinking are you...?" Becker however seems to know what's happening. The look of dread on his face really makes me intrigued into whats going on.

"Guys what is it?" I question intensely as the pair look at each other with a look of annoyance and fear. Jackson then finally looks at me but he really looks shocked, like he has seen a ghost. However, in a mere few seconds I was to have the same look on my face.

"That's the prison where Moore was"

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