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[Operation Great White]


A gentle breeze rolls in from the open window to my right, the light white curtain floating elegantly. As the air hits my skin, it's warmth and humidity is a nice change from the colder days in London. My green eyes glance out the window and to the view that sits beyond. In the very distance is the pristinely clear water of the Makronissos beach, it's clarity and beauty earning it a good name. Between our hotel room and the beach are numerous white houses and apartments with green trees of varying height scattered amongst. It's beautiful that's for certain, but the reason we are here isn't quite as beautiful.

I release a sigh as I turn my attention back to the task at hand. Using the large mirror in front of me, I try and do my hair in a half up half down style. However I find myself having to stop and restart again and again as my head isn't in the hair game at the moment. I run my fingers through my brunette hair to loosen it before placing my palms down on the edge of the ceramic sink which lays at waist level.

My hair falls forward as I bow my head downwards. I close my eyes momentarily as I concentrate on the pangs of pain coursing through my body. Most of the pain is originating from my legs, the deep stab wounds on my thighs ache and seem to complain about the mission we are going to pull. I put it down to my mental state about the entire affair, I associate the pain with Mason and it's him we are about to kill. But it has to be done.

Without warning, I jump with surprise as a knock on the bathroom door snaps me from my own mind. I clear my throat instantly as I pull myself together for whoever is on the other side of the door. Giving myself a last glance in the mirror, I take a stride to my left towards the white painted wooden door. I pull it inwards to open it for whoever wants to come in. Jackson stands tall and menacing as he always does but I flash a small smile before making my way back to the mirror to properly fix my hair. He follows me in but I already know why he's here, he wants to make sure I'm holding up. I'm going to try and put him off I decide.

"Are the guys in position?" I question before he gets the chance as I ask for the details on Becker and Derosa who have gone ahead to scout out the Huntsman. I begin to French braid both side of my hair as I await Jackson's response.

"They're set up and have eyes on Mason" he confirms what I already knew but I nod in affirmation nonetheless. I continue with the French plaits until i reach the end of my head before I tie the remaining hair into a ponytail.

"Is the area secure?" I push on even thought I know the answer as I tighten the hair before twisting it around to form a bun. Jackson watches me as he recognises the fact that I'm not giving him a chance a question me. His combed back hair is as sleek as ever and his casual clothing don't really take away any of his intimidating presence.

"We're all ready" Jackson deeply replies as he crosses his arms to his front, his face tilting whilst I finish off my bun. Once I'm satisfied with the style, I turn to face Jackson and point at the hair with a shrug of my shoulders. Approving of the practical style, he nods in my direction. I take a last look at myself in the mirror whilst swallowing the lump in my throat, here we go. I spin to Jackson before aiming towards the door with the goal of getting out of the hotel room to get this over and done with. However, Jackson has other plans. As I reach for the door, Jackson uses his large body to block my way. He steps directly in front of me, my escape now a distant memory. With our bodies inches away, I keep my eyes down whereas he looks down upon my much smaller frame. If this situation had occurred over a year ago, I would feel threatened and would retaliate violently immediately. Despite that, I now know Jackson isn't here to make me feel like a caged animal.

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