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"Bravo-Juliet come in?" Grant radios the other pair as Derosa slows the car as they approach the road leading down to the Huntsman location. They turn off the lights and await a response from the other team.

"Delta-Golf, Brave-Juliet copies over" Becker responds just as Jackson pulls the same maneuvers as Derosa, the lights being the last thing to be turned off.

"We are go in t-minus two minutes, how copy?" Grant relays the plan timeline as he looks to his watch, it's 9:58pm. Becker looks to his watch as soon as he hears the countdown to know that they are go at 10pm.

"Two minutes good copy, Bravo-Juliet out" Becker responds as he repositions the assault rifle on his lap. He exhales slowly as he always does before a mission but Jackson can tell this one means more than a normal one.

"She'll be ok, she's a fighter" he reassures as the pair exchange a glance of comfort in the car.

"I hope so, I really do" Becker turns to look out the window. It's almost pitch black, the dense forest to their left almost invisible. Their trek through it will take the same amount of time as it will for Derosa to set off the car alarm, their timings should match beautifully. It's rural that's for sure, not a single car had passed them from the seven mile journey inwards towards the location. Becker looks to his watch.

"Thirty seconds" he relays to Jackson who can't help but reminisce on the good old days.

"Just like back in the old days isn't it" He states and Becker knows exactly what he means even though none of the men served in the military together.

"Can't say I've ever rescued a professional assassin before, but there's always time for a first" Becker light heartedly replies as he glances to his watch again. Jackson adjusts the rifles strap on his shoulder as he prepares to exit the vehicle.

"Ten seconds" the air grows silent, the rural setting makes it eerie. Time stands still as they await the go sign, the calm before the storm.

"Bravo-Juliet go go go, mission is a go I repeat, mission is a go. Hotel-Charlie be ready for pickup" Grant radios as the teams exit their respective cars simultaneously whilst he radios the listening IT duo who are back in the warehouse watching the scene unfold from the satellite link. Like tigers in the night, all four men silently exit the vehicles and begin to close in on the location from the north and the south. Becker and Jackson take their time as to not cause too much noise with the rough undergrowth surrounding the building. Derosa and Jackson are more exposed but have less ground to cover. They stay silent, not even talking as they walk though the light undergrowth the property becoming visible in front of them. Derosa keeps his eyes glued on the actual property whilst Grant scans the areas around and from behind, just in case. From what they can make out, the building appears to be an abandoned school or a small pre-school like building. No lights, no sign of activity which was expected as the Huntsman is trying to keep a low profile. They move swiftly and effectively, true professionals.

Derosa stops and waits perfectly still for Grant to catch up. Once he feels a squeeze on his shoulder he continues to the right while Grant goes left. All have their weapons raised and the scope in line with their eyes, their fingers rest near the triggers. Both teams have five minutes to achieve their respective tasks, it just hit three minutes to go. Derosa has reached the edge of the forest line, the vehicle is directly in front of him. Having reached his position he looks to his left and receives the nod from Grant to go. Becker and Jackson walk side by side, Jackson scanning the area from clockwise from 12 o clock to 6 whilst Becker has the left side going anti-clockwise. They slow their speed as they reach the fifteen meter target where the pair take shelter behind a thick tree and await to next go ahead. Silence follows as if they were never there. Derosa has approached the vehicle successfully and he is now shielded from any peering ears coming from the building. He learnt how to steal cars when he was young which meant he could easily disable alarms, but it also meant he knew how to trigger them so it didn't take long for him to successfully set off the alarm. He leaves the wires hanging as he quickly hurries into the shelter of the trees to reach his next position  at the side of the building, the opposite side to Grant. The high pitched ringing is easily be heard by Becker and Jackson who exchange a nod, all has gone smoothly so far but now the real challenge begins. Will he take the bait? Everyone's hearts seem to pause, time along with it in anticipation of whether the fish has been hooked.

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