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Since the unexpected and very confusing meeting with me, Becker's mind has been in overdrive. He can't sleep, he can't eat, he can't tell anyone. This situation is bringing back all the past events involving the five of us from the very start to now. A lot of bad things have happened since the first day, bad things done by both sides.

Now though, Becker knows this is different. This cat and mouse game that has been going on for endless months is going to stop, he can feel it. Becker paces the hotel room he is staying in with his hands placed firmly on his waist. He wears a tight white t-shirt and khaki cargo trousers, the outfit of choice for ex-military personnel. As questions and questions fly into his head, he freezes and stops pacing by the knock on his door. He looks directly at it wondering who at this hour is visiting him. His first thought is me, his second is the Huntsman and the third is his team. Giving the first two options it's not surprising that he scoops up his gun before walking steadily towards the door. With it held behind him, he leans in and looks through that peak hole and soon sees who's outside. He momentarily rests his forehead against the door and releases the breath he was holding.

With his free hand he unlocks the door then pulls it open to reveal the face of his team mate Jackson. He feels a pang of relief knowing tonight he won't die at the hands of an assassin.

"Hey man" Becker says as he and Jackson fist bump as he enters the hotel room. Jacksons towering figure enters the room and finds a way into the armchair near the window, the same one I sat in.

"Beer?" Becker calls out and receives a nod from Jackson. He retrieves the beverages before handing one to him and taking a seat opposite Jackson.

"So what's up?" Becker speaks for the third time as he makes himself comfortable in the chair. Jackson scrubs his stubble on his chin as he stares as his boot on his right leg which is crossed over his left leg. He waits a while before answering and takes a gulp of beer before doing so.

"I wanna talk about Sophia" Jackson states in a slow, drawn out low voice. His eyes dart to Becker, Becker stares back at Jackson.

"Why?" Becker replies taking a drink to hide the fear and apprehension in his voice.

"You know why" Jackson is quick to reply as he notices all of Becker's twitches. Becker looks down, his eyes close and reopen.

"She visit you too?" Becker admits as he gives in to the feeling of defeat.

"Last night yes" Jackson replies taking a drink of his beer.

"I was the night before" Becker informs him and Jackson nods in acknowledgment.

"We were the only two that she visited weren't we?" Becker asks quickly after, his eyes full of sadness as he looks to Jackson for answers.

"Yep, that's why I'm here, not at Derosa's" Jackson answers and Becker nods his head slowly as he fills in the gaps in his head.

"Did she say that same thing to both of us?" Becker openly asks.

"Something about making our own decisions and not following Grant. And something about her going to do something soon, I don't know really" Jackson replies in a monotone voice.

"Okay, so she told us to change our ways and she warned us, why us two?"  Becker fits the pieces of the large puzzle together as he teases out ideas.

"Out of the four of us, we are the least likely to want her dead. Think about it, over the past months Derosa and Grant have not had a problem with wanting her dead. Grant has his reasons obviously and Derosa, well, he's just being him. We don't necessarily have a direct reason for wanting her dead, we are the more approachable of the group wouldn't you think?" Jackson continues to tease out the issue as well.

"That makes sense, Derosa will do anything Grant says, anything, where's us two are more skeptical of his actions especially since Michelle was killed" Becker adds.

"Exactly, his irrational actions are all geared towards Sophia, another reason to hate her. The Huntsman was just in the right place  at the right time for Grant" Jackson finishes and the pair bask in silence as it gets clearer and clearer. The pair exchange a look of understanding, that is until there is a sound of two separate beeps. One from Becker's phone, the other from Jackson's. Both crunch their eyebrows in confusion as they fiddle to pull out their phones and read the text from the unknown number.

"Shit" Becker mutters as he re-reads the text.

"This is it, it's time" Jackson adds as he reads he text one last time.

"Theres a warehouse six miles directly north of here in Upper Holloway, you can't miss it. Meet me there ASAP and don't tip anyone off or else. It's time to make your decision"

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