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Grant, Jackson and myself all sway to the left as the car hits a bump down the small rural British country road to death. Jackson is driving plainly because he is going to listen to my demands and leave, Grant sits in the passenger seat which is probably a good thing. He is observant when he wants to be so maybe he will spot something. Gosh, listening to myself i realise I'm desperate for help really. I am heavily relying on the guys to save my bacon, that much so that I find myself hoping even Grant helps. Anyways back to the point, I'm in the back middle seat so i can have a clear view of the road and of the two guys.

I won't lie, I am shitting myself right now.  My stomach feels like it's upside town and inside out, my hands are very slightly visibly shaking and i can feel patches of sweat on my back. For the first time in a long long time if ever, I'm doubting myself and my skills. The Huntsman has many more years of experience time to hone in on his skills, whereas I am still a novice really. I fear I have bitten off more than I can chew.

"Sophia" Jackson's voice snaps me from my thoughts and I look up from my lap, Jackson and Grant are both looking back at me from their front seats.

"We're here" Grant finishes off Jackson's sentence and I switch my attention out the front windscreen, it's just like I had imagined it. The co-ordinates sent us to a rural farmhouse, far away from anything sign of civilization, but there's no sign of The Huntsman or Charlie, Grant picks up on that.

"Where are they?" He questions as I mentally take note that his right hand is hovering over his weapons placed into his holster.

"He won't come out until he see's that I'm here, tactics Grant"  I inform him as I unfasten my seat belt and shimmy up a little closer to the front. I rest both my arms on the back of both of the front seats, up close and personal for possibly the last time I will see these guys. I notice how little droplets of rain have settled on the windscreen, multiple more follow shortly after.

"Masks on" I say quietly and both men obey. Both pull out two balaclava's  from the door compartments and pull them on over their heads, leaving only their eyes on show. This is a safety precaution in case The Huntsman knows the identities of the four CIA men associated with me.

"Last time, are you sure about this?" Grant asks once he is happy with the positioning of his mask, his words hit me though. Am I sure about this? Absolutely not, I could be going about this all wrong.

"No, he could just kill me straight away if he wants to, I don't know for sure that he will keep me alive. I'm just basing off what I would do" I answer his question with no emotion in my voice.

"What will we do once we have Charlie?" Jackson questions the plan.

"As soon as he is in the car, get him out of here. Just go and don't stop until he is safe. Get him and Hartle to work together to try an find me" I explain what they should do. I pull out my gun which I had stashed down my waistband and flip the safety switch off, I hold it up in front of my face and cock it back, i hear the satisfying sound of a bullet sliding into the chamber.

"I'll see you guys soon I hope, and also if I do anything drastic please don't react. I may need to prompt this idiot to hand over Charlie. Whatever you do, don't get out of the car" I warn as I shimmy to the left and place my hand on the handle, I suck in a deep breath and listen to Jackson's final words before I push down and open the door.

"Good luck".

I shut the door and just like that, a switch inside my brain is flipped. My compartmentalize switch. I've been trained and have constantly trained myself to be able to switch my brain to act in a certain way, in other words, my professional killer brain. No emotions, no distractions, just focus. As I walk away from the car and towards the farmhouse that is illuminated by the cars lights, for now I forget that the guys are there. I forget about everything else on my mind except the current situation with The Huntsman and Charlie. I dangle my handgun from my right arm which is by my side, no need to be alarmed just yet.

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