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At first I thought I had died and gone somewhere else, for when I opened my eyes I am met by just white. I look to my left and to my right, then behind me is all white. Everything feels 2D, there are no corners or edges just all white. I begin to panic as I don't understand this strange land until I complete my three hundred and sixty  degree turn to see new objects in front of me. Against the white backdrop, there is a park bench and sitting beside the bench, is a small three legged dog. I am immediately drawn to the pooch because of how recognisable he is.

"Arthur?" I call out as the pooch turns to face me, his small scruffy tail wagging quickly at the sight of me. He then barks at me, then again and again. Hearing his call makes me walk towards him, my body feels no pain and I'm not walking with a limp like I should be after my leg injuries.

"Hey Arthur, hey buddy..." I say as I quickly kneel to the ground and the small dog runs up to me. I scratch behind his ears as I remember how much he loves that. He pants with contentment before looking towards the bench and barking at it. I look up to it to see that it's empty, but when Arthur barks again I feel like he's telling me to sit. I send the pooch a loving smile before standing up and taking a seat on the bench. Arthur sits at my feet and stares out into the white abyss. Confused, I look to my left and stare into the same abyss, I wonder why I'm here I question myself and the bizarreness of the current situation. I casually turn my head back to the right and nearly jump off my seat which pure surprise, my heart certainly skipped a beat. I stare back in disbelief at the person now sitting beside me on the bench.

"X..." I mutter out as tears form in my glassy eyes, the old men smiles back at me with the same damm smile he always had. He doesn't say anything, he just opens his arms and I instantly fall into them with tears streaming down my face. I hold him tight and I inhale his scent, I remember it all again. My body shakes with the overload of emotions from hugging him once again. The fact that I hadn't forgotten him brings even more tears to my eyes so when we pull apart, he brushes them away with his hand.

"Sophia my dear, I've only seen you cry once before" his thick London accent is like the sweetest music to my ears but I know the only other time was when I was hanging over him as he died in my arms. However, the feeling of him being here takes the thought straight from my mind.

"It's been a tough week" I answer with a smile and more tears, X nods gently as he holds my hands in his.

"I know, and I couldn't be more proud of you" X shows his affection and my lips quiver as I try and keep the dams from breaking once again.

"You're the reason I didn't break" I show my gratefulness as I squeeze his hands, I owe it all to him.

"You make me sound too good my dear" X laughs out and I laugh with him, knowing our time is short I must ask for his opinion.

"The CIA team, they came back for me" I say as X listens intently, but he doesn't show disapproval or disappointment, but happiness. Pure happiness.

"They all care for you Sophia, even Mr Grant and Derosa. And I know you care for them too. Please Sophia, don't mistake your caring for a weakness. It is a true gift to have people caring for you, that is something I never had and I don't wish for you to turn out like me and old Arthur here" I absorb his words like they are the last thing I'll ever hear. X has always been a fountain of wisdom, it has been what kept me alive. As my only friend and father figure, I always take his advice. However hearing him speak fondly of the team makes me emotional, I guess this proves that I also care.

"What do I do?" I question finally as I feel our time slipping away. I grasp his hands tighter, as does X. He looks to me with eyes of respect and love.

"You do not need my advice Sophia, you are my swan song. You know what you need to do and remember my dear, you are free to choose your own path in life" X gives me his opinions as he stands up, bringing me with him. Little old Arthur looks up to his master in admiration as they prepare to depart. I feel tears forming as I prepare to say goodbye. I wrap my arms around the elderly man and squeeze him tight. I reminisce on all our missions, our years together and everything he has done for me. As I feel myself slipping back to reality, I close my eyes and enjoy every second of the embrace. Just as I see white take over again, X leans in close to my ear and whispers a saying that I have lived by, but now I feel it has a different meaning. I breath out as I fall back into the grim world that is reality with X's words lingering in my head.

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