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The hushed air sits around us as we take in turns looking at each other in our little triangle around the table. Anger fuels inside me as I see that my clumsiness and me getting myself distracted led to Charlie getting taken.

"Wait how does Weatherly fit into this?" Becker inquires as there's nothing on the table to join him.

"The hit, I was always the target and it's only know I see how he and his bodyguards reacted when the rounds went off. They knew it was coming, they knew The Huntsman was there and he knew that he had connections with Ficter. His name has popped up too often on files related to Ficter" I inform him, my hands land on the table and I arch my back to stretch it.

"So why frame you and try to kill you?" Jackson probes as we all look down to the sheets below hoping they can fill in the blanks.

"Thats the thing, I was meant to die there. The Huntsman had one mission and it was to kill me but he didn't, and he knows that I know I was supposed to die" I tease out the information I have in hopes of revealing something under the shadows.

"So why not kill you?" Jackson repeats his question as I didn't directly answer it.

"Isn't it obvious?" I turn and look to Jackson and then to Becker. Both men share a puzzled expression.

"Because death is too easy, he wants to see me suffer hence why he took Charlie cause the same damn thing happened to him as it did to you guys" I yell as I slam my fist down onto the table top causing a loud bang to ripples through the warehouse.

"What happened?" Becker quietly murmures.

"I got too close and he's using it against me, just like Grant used X" I admit, something the guys didn't know. Jackson and Becker exchange a look between them as my head hangs low in embarrassment, humiliation and guilt. There's a moment of silence as we all think of what to say, I don't have much to say so I wait for one of the guys to speak up.

"We have the link, thats good. That's the start we need" Becker states positively as he tries to lift the spirits, he's right. We all need to be on our A game. I slowly nod before I bring my head up and take a step back from the table.

"Okay, so the game has changed. We have a new target" I calmly add. Jackson turns to face his body to mine.

"Whoever hired The Huntsman" he answers for me and I nod to show he's correct.

"That person could be a high ranking person in Ficter, you sure you want to go after them?" Becker questions me knowing that Jackson will follow him.

"I should be asking you that, if you choose to go after Ficter, everything goes. Anyone who gets in our way has to go, you guys will lose your jobs and maybe much more" I say sternly to Becker, he knows I have nothing to lose anyways so the decision is on him and Jackson. I examine their bodies to see if I can gauge their reactions.

"You can leave now and I won't hold it against you" I add knowing that what we are going to do, even though we don't what we are going to do, is going to be dangerous and deadly. Lives at risk, innocents in the line of fire perhaps but that's the price we might have to pay to get the bad guys.

"I'm staying" Jackson mundanely juts out as he switches his stern gaze from Becker to me, I exchange a puzzled gaze as I try and figure out how sincere he is.

"Look this started when you walked into that bar and told us about Moore and it never ended. It didn't end when Moore went to prison, it didn't end when you fled to Columbia and it didn't end when we caught you and you somehow jumped out of a plane but whatever. This never finished and it's time it did" Jackson rhymes off his piece and I won't lie, I'm quite impressed. I run my lips off each other before I nod approvingly and turn to face Becker. He merely shrugs his shoulder and points to Jackson.

The Girl Behind The BulletsWhere stories live. Discover now