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"Ahhhh" Charlie shouts as the stinging pain on the left hand side of his face intensifies from a second slap from his kidnapper. His long hair sticks to his damp sweaty skin and he has to try hard to fight the tears threatening to push out.

"You really ain't used to this are you?" The Huntsman tilts his head and looks down at Charlie with a look of amusement. Charlie lifts his head up and looks towards the face of The Huntsman, he is greeted by a wide grin.

"I work with computers....you idiot" Charlie mutters the last two words under his breath but they don't escape the alert senses of his kidnapper.

"What was that? I'm sorry I didn't quite catch it?" The Huntsman leans in closer, his large tall frame creates a looming shadow over Charlie's body. Charlie doesn't know what to do in this scenario, he is a normal civilian he doesn't have military training or any experience in fighting.

"I said I work with computers" he repeats minus the last part in an attempt to satisfy The Huntsman. However he is not stupid and Charlie knows that.

"You know what has been on my mind, your little girlfriend" The Huntsman teases as he pulls out a six inch knife from his belt, the dark shadows had stopped Charlie from seeing it. Now that he does see it, he panics, fearing the worst. The Huntsman slowly paces to Charlie's left, waving the knife dangerously close to his face as he passes. When he is out of view, Charlie spins and turns left and right now wanting to lose sight of the mad man. Suddenly he jumps when he feels a surprise pressure on both his shoulders. The Huntsman large hands clamp down on them and he leans in to Charlie's ear.

"I wonder if she will come for you, or will she leave you for dead. Remember this girl feels nothing" He laughs out in a high pitch tone, Charlie keeps his eyes on the knife that is centimetres from his face in the right hand of the killer.

"Maybe if she hears you scream, she might come running? Shall we try?" He questions Charlie who instantly begins to protest and fight back. However it goes unheard as suddenly an unbearable pain shoots through his body, he screams and yells in pain as the knife sticks out of his right thigh. Bloods oozes out from the wound as he looks at the knife in pure shock. The Huntsman takes a step back and characteristically tilts his head and watches his work. And once again, characteristically, he lets the smirk spread across his face like a wild fire in a forest.

* * *

"We need to find the link, the link between you, The Huntsman and the employers from the original hit" Becker sums up the past three hours of exchanging and filling in the gaps from the two points of view. I slowly let my head nod as I recall all the information and confirm that Becker's words are very true. All cards are on the table here, they know about Charlie and Jackson is still a little pissed at me for it. I glance up to him and catch him giving me one of his death glares.

"Oh come on Jackson chill" I say aloud, throwing my arms into the air with disgust. From what I've learned from Jackson in the past it's that he is quiet. He tends to avoid answering back and avoids verbal conflict so when he snaps back at me, I'm slightly taken by surprise.

"How the hell can you tell me to chill, look at our situation?" He yells at me from across the table that separates us.

"You had a choice, you choose not me" I counter-act to make sure he doesn't place the blame on me.

"Christ, think about what you've caused. The shit show that is going to follow us all now because of you" Jackson shouts and points at me accusingly. I'm left with my mouth open in shock, the cheek of him.

"And where exactly is this bout of anger coming from Jackson? Having separation issues from Grant are we?" I question and tease him as per usual. His cheeks light up with a rush of pink as he pushes himself firmly up from the chair sending it flying backwards. He stands in anger and breaths in short controlled breaths.

"Both of you just stop, we have common goals here. We only have to get along for a short amount of time then it's over" Becker instantly stands out and instinctively places an arm in front of Jackson in case he leaps across the table. He has a passive tone, one used to calm a heated situation.

"Thats just it Becker, it won't be over when this is finished. She will just creep back in like she has always done" Jackson snaps at Becker.

"I'm sorry but who came looking for me in Columbia, you did. You crept your own ass back into my shitstorm, not me". For some reason, my emotions flair when I yell back at Jackson. An accumulation of anger, of sadness and pure frustration. My voice sounds shaky and uncertain, something I've only felt one before when X died. I'm still grieving for him, he is the reason I'm with these goons still. Everything comes back to him.

"Because you killed Grants wife, that's why we came to Bogota. Because you did something that you shouldn't have and you're right, this is your shit-storm Sophia" Jackson spits out with fury and it's enough to tip me over the edge. A slow but heart felt tear slides down my pale cheeks as I repeat Jackson's words in my head.

'Because you did something you shouldn't have'

"Something I shouldn't have" I whisper out in a small timid voice. Becker and Jackson stare at me in shock as I show raw emotion for the first time. I slowly shake my head as I recall X's death in my head.

"I didn't take everything from you but I was going to. If Hartle didn't show up, I was going to kill your sisters and your ex and Derosa's ex wife like I did to Grants wife. However I was going to let you guys live so you could really experience what pain feels like. You though, you took X from me so don't you ever say that I did something I shouldn't have cause I could have done much, much worse" I emotionally state before I turn and aim for the door to leave the warehouse.

I need some goddamn air.

* * *

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