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"GRANT" I hear Derosa yell as he unleashes his magazines load of bullets on me, thankfully, me knowing that Derosa is a hot-head, I pulled back and stood up straight against the stone wall while bullets shattered the glass to both my sides. Becker and Jackson had brains also because they both dodged as soon as they seen me move quickly. Both dashed to different spots but they are both sheltered from the bullets that ricochet off the walls around us. I close my eyes and tuck my head down to shield my face the best that i can from the shards of glass. The noise is deafening with glass shattering, bullets being shot and bullets hitting of every item in the vicinity. Eventually Derosa runs out of bullets and i can hear him repeatedly pull the trigger hoping for more bullets through the rest of the noises such as the glass shards settling.

I open my eyes and they instantly dart to the last places I saw Becker and Jackson, once again I'm somewhat baffled by my actions, why do I find myself caring. Once I see that both men are alive, fully intact and without bullet holes I decide it's time to bite the bullet, not literally.

"That's enough Derosa, Christ you would think you are trying to kill us" I shout out the window to my left that is now shattered to pieces, hopefully Derosa hung around to hear me.

"Us, so the guys are in there too?" Derosa uses that big brain of his and catches on that I used the plural, did he think they weren't or was he not concerned about shooting them? As I listen to Derosa, Becker and Jackson emerge guns in hand from behind their respective covers. For a split second, a thought crosses my mind. Now that Derosa and probably Grant are here, will the guys change their minds. That would be very bad for me, I would almost certainly die which means Charlie would die and no one would be able to catch The Huntsman. That is something I cannot let happen, i need to make sure. Being brave and slightly stupid, I break my cover and crouch-walk quickly and silently towards where both men have gathered behind a wall shielding them from the windows. Both of them throw looks at me as I shatter large pieces of glass under my boots. Once I near them I stand up straighter and join them behind the wall.

"Are you crazy?" Becker questions as I release the breath I was holding.

"Possibly yes" I reply to him as I suck back in oxygen to fill my tired lungs. With Becker to my right and Jackson to to my left, both tower over me as we create a triangle shape.

"What's the plan?" Jackson asks as he points his gun to the ground, his finger near the trigger in case he needs to use it suddenly.

"Wait, before anything else stupid happens I need to know you have my backs?" I question as I scan the eyes of both men before they turn and look at each other. Realising their confusion, I add to my previous statement.

"Grant and Derosa are here guys, they are going to try and win you back, i need to make sure you won't stab me in the back" I plead to them almost, like a beg, that's how desperate I am. A bead of sweat rolls down the right side of my face starting at my hairline and ending as it falls off my jaw. Becker's eyes drop to the ground, he's not questioning what he's doing, it's more like he is trying to see my point of view.

"Since when did you grow so soft?" Becker lifts his head and throws me one of his characteristic smiles, one that always makes me smile back.

"I've been asking myself the same thing recently" I reply lightheartedly as Becker releases a light chuckle. Suddenly, something happens that I certainly wasn't expecting. Jackson raises his giant hand and places it firmly on my left shoulder, he then squeezes just a little but enough. I instantly divert my eyes to his, they are conflicted but they are decided.

"We have to see the bigger picture, you see the bigger picture so we are with you Sophia" Jackson almost scares me with how sincere his words are. Becker even looks a little shock at his strange display of caring.

"Thank you, wow, I really am going soft" I laugh off and question am I really going that soft. Jackson gives me a little squeeze on the shoulder before he pulls his large hand from my shoulder. Jackson lets his head drop and i get a flash of his pristine white teeth as he smiles, this is actually the first time I've seen him smile. I think all three of us forgot for a second what was going on, we forgot about the guys so when they made themselves known, all our smiles drop.

"Jackson and Becker come out" Grant's voice slices through the air and ruins our little moment. It echos off the bare walls of the warehouse however, it came from behind the wall we are behind. As soon as we heard a voice, all three of us acted in a way a group of synchronized swimmers might. I raised my gun and pointed it in the direction that Jackson wouldn't see, so i covered his back. Jackson does the same thing to Becker and Becker does the same thing to me. We are all covering each other, all areas covered by at least one of our guns.

"Plan?" Becker whispers as we only have a few seconds to react, lucky for them I know what to do.

"You two go out, they won't try and kill you" I answer in a confident tone, Grant is not going to kill them, well not right away.

"What about you?" Becker asks me, another answer I have ready.

"When you go out, cough once if it's just Grant and twice if both of them are there" I order in a kind of nice way.

"Keep Grant talking and distracted" I add before I lean my right shoulder against Jackson to urge him to move and get this show on the road. They don't delay before the pair breach their cover and walk out into the area where I crouched across. I cover their backs from behind as I await their answer. It doesn't take long for them to reply, Becker coughs once and that's all the information i need. While the pair keep Grant busy, I'll being my little hunt for Derosa who is undoubtedly doing the same for me.

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