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"Oh sweetheart...come on now....wakes wakey"

I begin to regain consciousness and I instantly fight the drowsy state caused by the hit to the head. I can hear him taunting me, he's eager to start the torture and the breaking. I'm eager to snap his neck.

"Ah, there we go. Welcome back to the land of living darling"

I can feel him lower himself down in front of me, his scent is so distinct. I can also feel the heat radiating from him, I don't know what or how but I can feel him without touching him. I blink my eyes frequently for a few minutes until I can make out the main items around me. It's a dark room with only the light on the ceiling, there's no windows so no natural light. It also smells like shit and mud, so wherever we are, we are isolated.

"I can't tell if it's you or this room that smells like shit" I mutter out in a drowsy voice, but it's enough to earn a characteristic chuckle from him. Suddenly I feel a strong grip under my chin and my head is yanked upwards to face his tall figure.

"Oh I'm going to have so much fun with you" he growls as he holds my head in place. I eye him up before running my tongue across my upper row of teeth as a tease, he growls further at my actions.

"You won't break me Huntsman" I whisper out as a challenge, and god knows he loves a challenge. He leans in closer to my face so that I can feel his hit breath against my skin. His eyes are captivating, a deep brown, void of everything.

"And what makes you so sure sweetheart?" He tantalizingly questions my actions as we maintain the highly sexual eye contact. I break into a smile and laugh lightly as I look from his eyes to his lips, then back to his eyes. This drives him insane.

"Cause I can tell a trained killer when I see one. You weren't born into this life, I'm guessing you were a military man which means you had a life before. You'd be surprised how resilient children are when they are born to kill and raised to be unbreakable" I mumble with an underlying sense of mockery to him, claiming he will never break me and that he could never be as good as me. It works, his smirk quickly changes into a grimace. I give him a quick wink before he pulls away from our close encounter to he takes longer strides to a table in the corner. My head spins as I fail to comprehend what he is doing.

"Let's see how unbreakable you truly are after I start by leaving you with more holes than you should have" he enjoys every second of his sexually charged statement as he approaches me with a sharp screwdriver in hand. I look at the tool with excitement, I won't let him see me weak, I won't let X's life training go to waste.

"Hmm, I like where you're going with this" I reply as he resumes his uncomfortably close position in front of my face. He holds the screw driver in one hand and places his other hand on my inner thigh, that makes me more uncomfortable than the tool does but I don't let it show. We maintain eye contact just as he raises his arm and slams the tool deep into my other thigh. I grunt in pain but refuse to break eye contact, he twists the screwdriver to inflict maximum pain. I exhale sharply and inhale even more sharply as he grunts with pleasure. I imagine X and his talks we used to have in the park, I imagine his three legged rat dog, I imagine every word of our last conversation as he died in my arms. This is what will keep me strong, that and imagining the relief I will feel when the guys come for me, which I truly hope the do.


3 Days Later:

The guys are exhausted, 72 hours straight they have worked with small breaks for sleep in between whilst the others work. It's been a continuing conveyor belt of Hartle and Charlie bashing out ideas to find who DL is, Grant trying to pull strings with anyone he knew in the CIA and other institutions and Becker, Derosa and Jackson have been combining their knowledge of computers to do searches for facial ID's. Pizza boxes and energy drink cans lay scattered throughout the warehouse, on the floor in bin bags, everywhere. They had not let up at all, all eager and desperate to find out the information they required. None had had any showers, and they were lucky that there was a functioning toilet in the warehouse.

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