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The air is silent, yet loud. The tension is in an abundance and everyone can feel it. The nerves are high, but the stakes are even greater. We sit huddled together, Grant sitting opposite me with Jackson to my left and Hartle to my right. We are the remaining four, the only ones to have survived this gruelling ordeal. The others watch on from a safe distance, eager yet anxious about the final outcome.

It's my move, and I have my weapon of choice in my hands. They're small and light, yet the weight they bare is immense.  The engravings carved into the two small items will undoubtedly change the atmosphere instantly, but will it work in my favour?

With little hesitation, I throw them almost violently in Grants direction. All eyes watch on as the items begin to slow down, what will they reveal? What will happen to me? My heart thumps rapidly in my chest as my eyes widen at the result. It has taken hours upon hours to reach this place, friends had been lost and sacrifices had been made. Yet, which way would the dice roll, literally.

They come to a half near Grants side of the table and my brain automatically adds the two figures shown, and it's bad news. I needed either a six or an eleven to be in the clear, but I rolled an eight. My heart falls as I reluctantly move my hat icon along the board, passing some of my own properties and some of the others owned by the rest. However, I land smack band in the middle of no mans land. I land on Boardwalk, owned and done up to the last by Grant.

Realising the decimation he has caused, he throws his hands up in victory against me whilst I let my head fall into my crossed arms. All this work, all the money spent has been for nothing. I have to do it, I don't have a choice.

"I declare bankruptcy" I mutter out with much defeat and loss of pride, my shaking head evidence of it.

"I did it, I did it! I knocked out Sophia!" Grant very enthusiastically states as he looks to all watching on with a huge grin on his face. In annoyance I throw my money across the table in his direction before he eagerly scoops it up and places it neatly in his huge stack of money.

Monopoly, the friendship breaker.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Sophia" Becker jokingly calls out from the edge as he and Derosa take the fun out of it. They got knocked out much earlier on so I use this as ammo.

"Well at least I didn't get knocked out within the first three minutes of play" I sarcastically reply as I force a smile onto my face. Six hours this game has been going on for, and there's still three players left. With me done, I push out the chair from under me before departing to join Becker's side. I walk with slumped shoulders and a sulky looking face as I lean up against some stacked cargo boxes to Becker's right side. With the duo sitting comfortably on the boxes and me standing, we continue to watch the tense game of Monopoly with the three remaining people. Well, that was going to be the plan but a much more serious matter would soon consume all of our time and the winner of the game would forever go unknown.

Not even five minutes passes before the old bunker door in the corner of the room is flung open, Charlie quickly falling in. All our eyes dart up and focus on the abrupt entry as it comes as a surprise. Charlie's hair falls across his face as his glasses threaten to slide of his nose with the force of his entrance. However, his choice of words would leave chills across all my body.

"We found him" he blurts out in his native London accent, but the words don't register. I unfold my crossed arms and push myself from my leaning position on the boxes as repeat his words mentally. Becker and Derosa slowly fall from the boxes and land solidly on their feet, all their eyes glued on me. They know who. Grant, Hartle and Jackson steadily rise from their seats at the table with the Monopoly board, their faces all facing mine. They know who too. With Charlie's brown eyes glued onto me and me alone, I uncover who he has found, yet I require confirmation.

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