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3 Days Later:

I pull back a strand of my new brunette hair as I lean over Charlie's shoulder to get a closer look at the screen to confirm a last minute detail before my brief.

"Yep, got it" I announce as I confirm to Charlie before pull back and straighten up the pile of sheets in my hand. With them all nice and tidy, I walk around the array of tables and chairs as I make my way to the top of the basement looking area that is now our base of operations. Derosa has already set up a white board for me to give my brief and when I reach it, I can see that someone has dropped off a few red and blue markers to use on the board. Without wanting to wait around, I turn around to face the base and the fourteen people in it.

"Brief time, everyone gather around please" I shout out so all can hear me, and they do. All the tech assistants to Hartle and Charlie drop what they are doing and huddle around whilst the four main men join the group but keep going a little further so that they stand halfway between them and me. All in all, everyone has their attention on me.

"Ok, so this it it. This is the plan of attack that you have all worked incredibly hard to put together so for that I am thankful" I start off with a little bit of gratefulness to all who have been working their socks off. I then turn my back on the group and remove three pictures from my files and use little magnets to stick them up on the board. I then place the rest of the files on the small accompanying table to my side and pick up a red marker and get to work explaining the plan.

"We have three targets, two primary and one secondary. High ranking Ficter member Diego Lopez and ex-CIA Director turned traitor Aaron Moore are the main guys we want dead here. Mason Murphy, also known as the Huntsman isn't going to be on our minds right now but he will be after we get the main two sharks" I explain our targets as I draw little crowns above the pictures of Lopez and Moore, leaving Masons drawing untouched.  I can't help myself however from glaring at his smug blurry face in the sheet, oh his time will come.

"We will be hitting Lopez first because if he gets wind of what we are doing he will go into hiding and will be a nightmare to find again. Good thing is he is in London and hasn't broken from his usual routine which you guys have managed to uncover, which is great work and a big help to us. After analyzing his routine and his security levels, we believe we have managed to find a time where we can get him" I resort back to my file and pull out a blue print which I stick to the board to demonstrate the plan.

"We're gonna hit him where he works, small team consisting of Grant, Jackson and myself are going to infiltrate the building and corner him in his office which is here" I add as I circle Lopez's office on the map.

"We will be needing the rest of you to make sure we get in and out undetected by looping the cameras and disabling the alarm system. Now from our research, Lopez likes to stay late on Thursday evenings where his only protection is a small three man group of bodyguards and his personal assistant Tom who is a little shit. We will need to take down the team to get to Lopez and we will be using Tom to make this look more, unbelievable" I finish off as I step aside and nod to Grant giving him the nudge to take over and explain the more detailed description of how to get to Lopez. He nods back before taking my spot in front of the white and facing the crowd.

"Like Sophia said, we will be hitting him at his place of work. Now we can't just walk in, Lopez ordered the hit on Sophia so she is instantly recognizable and well Jackson and myself aren't exactly the blend-able kind of guys. The best approach is we go in disguised as cleaners, Hartle and Charlie are working on getting us ID's and gear but it's a good option" Grant nods to the duo who incline their heads to confirm that this is the angle that are working on.

"If this is a go we would be wanting to get to the building around 7:30pm, and be out by 8pm. In and out no messing around. With you guys on the cameras, there should be no trace of us anywhere. Remember although we have CIA clearance, that doesn't mean the world needs to know. The aim to make it look like Tom did it, and if people find out it was us we go to prison simple as that. Now don't worry about us going in, we cover our end you cover your end" Grant explains the risks involved but these CIA agents weren't randomly selected. They know the risks and all signed a non-disclosure agreement prior to being flown to the UK.

"We will be getting messy in there, we're gonna make it look like someone else did it remember" I add quickly as a pre- warning of sorts to those who aren't comfortable with blood or violence.

"Any questions?" Grant questions the group as I stroll over to join his side to aid in the answering of questions. I scan the faces of the group, I conclude no one looks like they don't want to be here.

"What weapons will you be using?" Hartle's timid voice calls out from the back of the group and I trust Grant to answer this one so I remain silent as I imagine what he is going to say.

"Just silenced Glock's. Anything we bring in must be small and easily concealed and must be easy to take with us when we leave" He answers confidently, my guesses were correct.

"You will be hitting Lopez first, how can we be so sure Moore won't just disappear?" A younger female specialist in the front of the group looks directly at me as she asks a valid question, one I feel I can easily answer.

"Moore may be a traitor and dickhead, but he's not a professional. He doesn't know how to hide or go on the run. He'll be anxious after he finds out about Diego's assassination so he will make mistakes, because he's not a professional" I expertly explain knowing full well if it was me in Moore's boots, I would be able to hide and do it successfully for a period of time. I have, my five months in Columbia is evidence of that.

"We are aiming to hit him in 48 hours if we stay on track and if the guys can get us those ID's, so until then we keep close eyes on Lopez and Moore" Grant finishes off the presentation and the group breaks away to continue on their work or take a break, they have deserved it. I turn back to face the board with my pinned up images on it, the three faces of the three antagonists in our stories. With crowns above the faces of Moore and Diego, I feel like I need to draw something above his. He is just as important, the only real difference is that this is personal. Moore is personal to the guys and to everyone who either worked for him or with him, Diego is just a target who needs to go but Mason is mine. I find myself staring deathly at the blurred image of his face. Even with the undefined features, I know I can see them so clearly. I know every single aspect of his face, from his cold brown eyes to the scattering of tiny facial scars that he hides under his stubble.

"His time will come" Becker's caring voice knocks me from my daydream and I look up to my left to see his kind features smiling down on me.

"I know. Just can't help but think about what will happen when it does come" I look back to the picture as I reply, my mind getting lost in the array of scenarios that could result in his death.

"I can tell you for sure that he will shit himself and you love every second of it" Becker enthusiastically responds and receives a light laugh from me.

"Oh I will" I answer and laugh a little further. As silence settles between us, Becker leans in over my shoulder  and grabs one of the markers from my hands. I watch on as he scribbles a little childish drawing of a males no-no region over the picture of Mason, and this broadens the smirk in my face. Without saying anything else, Becker departs and gets back to work. I'm left smiling at the simplistic drawing of a penis over his picture and think to myself, yeah, this suits him.


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