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Diego's day has finally arrived, d-day for him. Our mission is on track, all elements and scenarios have been planned and accommodated for. There is nothing else left to do except carry out the mission which Grant, Jackson and myself are prepared for. One hour ago we left the base location, now we sit quietly in a rental car a short walking distance from the skyscraper where Diego Lopez is currently situated. With Grant behind the wheel, Jackson in the passenger seat and me in the middle of the back seats we just wait for the go ahead.

"I'll do any talking that we need to do if we questioned by his security team, I can do a pretty good London accent" I break the silence as I explain what will happen should we not go through security smoothly.

"Copy that. The ID's are good so we shouldn't have any problems" Grant replies as he adjusts his olive green baseball cap, it matches the olive green overalls that we all have on. We look like a circus act but it's what was required to even have a chance of getting into the building.

"It's not the ID's I'm worried about, it's us. Two well built men and a twenty one year old, the most inconspicuous cleaning team to have ever existed" I sarcastically add as I express my minor concerns about our outward appearances. Jackson's silence means he too is thinking about it, maybe it's due to the obvious scars on his face and how they can draw unwanted attention from time to time.

"It will be fine, just remember the plan and it will work out" Grant reassures me and I nod to affirm that he is right.

"Can we run through it again?" Jackson speaks up as his low voice rumbles in the car. I approve of his idea, it will help distract from the nagging feeling I have.

"Yeah that's a good idea. Ok, so we will enter the building through the main doors, reception will be directly in front of us and security will be to the right as we enter. They will frisk us and have our equipment go through a metal detector. Our weapons are concealed in the metal lining of the metal bin we have, the metal detectors will only pick up the actual metal of the bin and hopefully the security don't pull the bin apart or they will find our secret stash. Once we successfully get through, there will be a line of elevators on the left where we will get one to the 30th floor, Diego's floor. Once we get out, we will be security checked again and the team here will likely radio down to security on the ground floor to ensure we were checked. If they are happy, they will let us through where we will enter into the first office on the right to set up our equipment and remove our guns and put on gloves" I stop at the beginning of the main mission part to let it digest before moving on.

"We will take out the first security group who guard the elevator, the team will have the cameras on loop at this stage so anyone who is watching will have no idea what's going on. Once they are down, we continue through the two sets of double doors that separates the offices from Diego's area. The cameras confirm that there is a three man team and Tom the informant, which works perfectly with the plan. I will enter Tom's office and immediately shoot him in the forehead, then you two will enter the behind and take cover whilst I run out and alert the personal security team that something is 'wrong' with Tom. They will come rushing in and you two will be waiting for them, headshots only to make it fit in with the plan. This will leave Diego exposed and without man power, so we will take him. I'll knock on his door and once he tells me to enter, I will. This is the guy who ordered the hit on me, so it's likely will we have a little conversation before I finally put a bullet in his head" I mundanely state as I imagine the satisfaction I will get once I kill him.

"If all goes well, when we leave we will alert the security on the ground floor that there is a fight going on upstairs. They will go up to find everyone dead, a murder/suicide act by Tom complete with his fingerprints on the murder weapons. Hartle and Charlie will also plant a little bug on his computer that will make it look like he put the tapes on loop, effectively we were never there" Grant finishes and exposes our plan, it would be perfect if we can pull it off. We sit in silence as we do a run through of the mission in our heads. It's risky that's for sure, so many variables and other little things to think of whilst we enact the actual mission. For example, what if one of the security guards wants to go to the toilet, they could walk straight in on us and our plan.  Endless bad scenarios and worse endings float around in all our heads, thankfully we have the actual mission to carry out to distract us.

"It's time, let's get the gear" Grant glances down to his watch before announcing that it's go time. Three doors open and three people hop out, Jackson and Grant heading to the trunk of the car or as they say in Europe, the boot. As they pop it, our fake cleaning supplies and equipment await them. It takes them mere seconds to successfully remove all the necessary gear including the most important item, the metal bin with our concealed weapons. Grant hands me a plastic box with bottles of bleach and cleansing sprays alongside wipes and rags. With Grant carrying more pieces of equipment and Jackson pushing the cleaning trolley, we start the somewhat nerve racking five minute walk to the target building. With us all in our matching khaki coloured cleaning overalls and matching baseballs caps, we look like cleaners but with an alternative motive.

Operation Hammerhead is officially a go.


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