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As Mr Diego Lopez sat at his desk in his large masculine themed office, he fiddled with the two gold rings on his left hand. Both are his prized possessions and came at great personal sacrifice. He runs his tongue over his large lips as he awaits the arrival of his temporary employee known simply as 'The Huntsman'.

Little is known about this man, much like me. However, our names are enough to put fear into the souls of most, except Mr Lopez who finds us quite amusing. The Huntsman is credited which over 100 confirmed kills, and that's outside his rumored military career. He's strong and cunning, quick and smart, a good contestant for me. That's why Lopez decided to use him as he is most likely to bring me down without dying in the process.

Suddenly there's a knock on the wooden door that is coloured a dark brown to match the table and chair, and the aesthetic.

"Enter" Mr Lopez sings out in a extended tone. He smiles as his hands drop to the arm rests and the door opens. His eyes first meet that of his personal assistant Tom. Tom used to work for a normal tech company but one day he tried to kill everyone which a butchers knife, and Lopez liked his initiative so hired him the next day. He dresses smartly and is effective so Mr Lopez pays his generously. Tom makes way for a man who is nearly as tall as Tom himself. He bares pointed boots that go as far as his ankles and meet the ends of his denim jeans. His strong looking torso holds a red jumper and it clings to his muscular arms in all the right places. On top of that he dons a black leather jacket which completes the western look. His face is weathered from years abroad and years of stress. His tanned features are well proportioned with his chin and lower half of his face coated in stubble, a mix of brown and grey. His brown eyes seem to match that of his combed back greying hair, much like Mr Lopez's but the most striking feature of this six foot two man, his dazzling smile. His white teeth, perfectly set in his mouth, light up the room yet it doesn't feel right to have someone who smiles so much to have such a monstrous job.

"Mr Lopez, how are you doing my friend?" The Huntsman announces himself in his thick southern American accent as he throws himself into the room. For a brief moment, Lopez just stares and smiles as he takes in the equally as flamboyant nature of this man.

"I have had better days and today is not a good day because I hear you didn't stick to our deal?" Mr Lopez drops the smile momentarily to show his serious side. The Huntsman however seems to bare an even bigger smile.

"Yes I am aware I didn't stick to our deal" he repeats Lopez's words which causes him to shift his position in the chair. Tom lingers in the background silently with his hands clasped at his front.

"Care to explain why because I'm a busy man and I don't have time for people who mess around" Mr Lopez mocks as he places his right elbow on the table and moves his hand in a way to suggest for The Huntsman to explain his actions.

"When you presented me with this job I was given a location to where my target would be and I was told the target was a woman of about this height" The Huntsman holds his hand to his mid arm to demonstrate my height.

"Now I did as you asked, I went and I waited and sure enough there she was. However someone neglected to tell me who exactly I was going after and I must say, it was a pleasant surprise" He drags out the last word, excitement clouding his extravagant voice. Mr Lopez says nothing and gestures for him to continue.

"You gave me a gem Mr Lopez, you gave me one of the best professional killers ever to walk this small blue ball of a planet we call home. You gave me The Black Swan. Even through the disguise, it would be impossible not to recognise her. That young lady may look so naive and harmless but she's the only person with a higher kill count than me. Now, why did I let her go you're asking? Easy, she's a gem like I said. You don't just find a gem and immediately take it to a collector to be sold. No no no, you take your time and you examine the gem. You check every corner and curve of the gem and learn all its little secrets. Then once you know everything, you hand it in but in this case I kill the gem. Do you see my point Mr Lopez?" The Huntsman explains so detailed and so elaborately that Mr Lopez is left smiling by the end of it.

"And how do you suppose you're going to find this gem, it has a habit of moving around a lot" Mr Lopez says in fluent English even though it's his third language.

"Every rare gem leave a trace, no matter how small" The Huntsman replies quietly, his eager to get going is burning within him. Despite him speaking in riddles the entire time, Mr Lopez is satisfied with The Huntsman's explanation.

"Very well then, do as you please just make sure she is dead when you're finished" Mr Lopez announces as he leans backwards into his chair. The Huntsman simply nods before dramatically spinning around and leaving the office, Tom in tow to escort him out of the building. Once the large door closes, Mr Lopez once again smiles, this smile then leads to a sadistic laugh as he thinks about the The Huntsman interesting term of describing me.

"Lets see if this gem is breakable" he chuckles as he rests his hands on head, eager to watch the story unfold.

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