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[ Operation Hammerhead ]

The building is definitely all it is hyped up to be. It's exterior consists of almost entirely glass, the views would be vast and brilliant i conclude as we approach the building from the left side. Even from our distance out, we can see the reception and the lone receptionist behind it. To the right we can vaguely make out the shapes of the metal detectors and the figures guarding them. With me wedged in between Grant and Jackson, it's time to say our goodbyes to the group at the base. With no earpieces on us, the group can still hear and see us from the satellites circling above us in space. We can speak and they can listen, that is all.

"Headmaster, school is going dark" I say aloud as my voice bounces off the satellite and redirects towards the base where they hear us loud and clear. Base is headmaster, school is the guys and me. Becker had the genius idea of the code names, it fits in with the shark aesthetic we had codenamed Lopez. He is hammerhead shark and if for some reason someone is listening in on our mission they won't have a clue what we mean.

But now is time to compartmentalise the outside world. Time to forget the team at the base, time to forget about Moore and Mason. We have a job, and we must fulfil it. I release the anxious sigh that has been growing deep in my chest as the men and myself approach the glass front to the building. I take the lead as I approach one of the double doors that pose as the entrance point to the skyscraper. Using my back, I push up against the door to open it. With my hands occupied with the box of cleaning equipment, I walk back and hold the door for the two men to come through next. The trolley bounces and rattles as it is rolled in by Jackson. I ensure that I give both men a glance as they walk past me before I turn and remove the hold on the door, it slowly closes behind me. Once again I take the lead as we unassumingly approach the revolution desk and the young lady sat behind it. The blonde woman looks up from the computer screen as she senses us coming towards her before flashing a customer service friendly smile.

"Good evening, how may I help you?" She questions in a pleasant yet distinct London accent. I pinpoint the accent to be from the Kensington and Chelsea borough, more specifically the affluent sector of Bayswater. The men stay silent and allow me to the talking in a perfected general London accent.

"Cleaning crew" I perkily state as I flash a similarly warm smile, I am rewarded with an acknowledgement of a nod. The blonde receptionist instantly knows what we mean and is quick to look across the security area of the ground floor.

"Perfect. If you will head over to the security gates and the guards will check you in and search your equipment before you may go up. Have a good evening" she politely instructs us as anticipated and I reply accordingly whilst following her eye-line to the security group.

"You too, thank you" I conclude as we depart and proceed onto arguably the riskiest part of the plan, and its not even murdering part. We stroll casually and calmly with our trolley and boxes to security who perk up and straighten themselves as they see us approach. All I can think is please, please don't find the guns. I immediately clock four armed guards, all dressed smartly in suits but the outline of their handguns is visible under their suit jackets. All are over six foot tall and all look like they mean business. Alongside two metal detector scanners and a conveyor belt for bags and smaller equipment, it reminds me of an airport. All three of us stop as a guard comes up to us from the front, his eyes scanning us all.

"ID's" he orders in a husky, low voice. We don't dare disobey also as I fish around in the pocket of my overalls for the falsified identification. The guard takes all of ours as they guys hand him theirs. The guard doesn't even look at them as he is quick to pass them back the guard at his rear. With the ID's now in someone else's hands, the lead guard has all his attention on us.

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