Chapter: 2

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Britney's POV

So today is the day me and Cameron leave for Magcon San Diego! I am so excited! i literally really spent the last 3 days packing everything I might need: iPhone, iPhone charger, sweatpants, jeans, shorts, vans, UGGS, sweatshirt, t-shirts, beanies, bandanas ( for Taylor), and socks. I think I may have packed a little too much. oh well.

"Brit come on. We're leaving." Cam yelled from downstairs.

I finally grabbed my suit case and ran down stairs to meet Cam at the door.

"Finally." He said. "Sorry I was grabbing the rest of my things." I replied.

We said goodbye to our mom and walked out the door to his car. When we got in his car he started the ignition and we began our drive to the airport to fly to San Diego.

When we got there, girls were everywhere trying to get a picture with Cam. I told him I'd meet him at Gate A in 15 minutes. "Alright." Is all he said. I couldn't blame him. Every girl was basically all over him.

I walked away to go to the strip of fast-food restaurants. I decided to go to Subway before we left.

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw girl maybe around my age. She looked very nice.

"Hi!" she said. "I'm Chelsea! What's your name?" She said in a very, very preppy and perky tone.

"Um hey. I'm Britney." I said with a friendly smile.

"What brings you to the L.A. airport?" She asked friendly.

"I'm here with my brother. We're flying to San Diego." I told her.

"No way! That's where I'm going too! We should totally sit together!"she sounded really excited.

I looked at my phone. Oh shoot! I was supposed to meet Cameron like 5 minutes ago!

"Hey I have to go meet my brother at the gate. Would you like to come?" I asked her.

Her eyes brightened up a little bit. "Sure!"

We walked to the gate together and she saw Cam. "Who is that?! He is so cute!" She asked looking at me while blushing.

"Oh that's my brother. Cameron meet Chelsea. Chelsea meet Cameron." They exchanged hellos and smiles and we boarded our flight.

On the plane I learned a bit more about her. She lives in LA like me, she's a sophomore like me, and turns out she never heard of MAGCON before...this should be interesting. I also found out that her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom. She said her dad always drank and always left. But one he came home more drunk than usually and totally flipped out. She had a tear in her eye when she told me so she stopped the story there I wasn't going to bring it up knowing it might upset her.

"So Cam, why are you guys going to San Diego?" She asked turning to Cam.

"I'm apart of this vine group called Magcon." He explained. She nodded her head as he talked showing that she understood. "We do tours all across the country and so this week we are going to San Diego. So as you can tell, I'm kind of a big deal." Cam said. I couldn't help but laugh at his narcissism.

She looked at him with wide eyes. "So you're telling me you're famous?"

"Yeah pretty much." He replied.

Sooner than I expected, our plane landed and we had to get off.

Once we got inside, all of the boys ran toward Cam. "Dude! Bro bro bro we missed you!" Some boy said. He had the most amazing looking hair and the most electrifying blue eyes in the entire world.

"You guys, I want you to meet my younger sister, Britney. Britney, this is Nash, ( the one with the gorgeous eyes), Taylor, Carter, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Shawn, and Aaron." They all smiled and told me hi.

"Wait guys, where's Matt?" I hear Jack J say from behind me.

Matt. He's here?? Oh my. Please have him be here.

"Woah here comes Matt!!" Cam yelled.

I looked in that direction and surely enough there he was. Walking down the hallway with his suitcase along with him. His hair. Oh my potatoes. His hair is so freaking amazing. His eyes make me blind. When he talks all I can hear is him. He walked up to me.

I literally felt like I was going to pass out. I told Chelsea I'd see her around and we exchanged phone numbers. I watched her walk away. When I turned around, Matt wasn't there. A look a disappointment came upon my face.

I turned around again and there he was. Staring into my blue-hazel with his hazel-brown eyes. I felt like was going to faint.

"So you must be the beautiful Britney." He said with his world famous smile.

"Um I guess." I said blushing while looking at my feet.

He looked at me and just stared into my eyes. He is so fine and good-looking!

"Why thank you." He said smirking.

Did I seriously just say that out loud?

"Britney.." He started talking. "Ye-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked at the caller id : it was my mom. I texted her id call her in a little bit.

"So Matt, you were saying?" I said smiling like an idiot. "We should head over to the boys." He said smiling nervously.

He had something to say..and he changed his mind.. I will find out what he was going to tell me. I turned around walking towards my brother and the boys were messing around.

I heard Nash say something about heading towards the car to go to the hotel. I heard a slap and laughing. "SMACK CAM!" I heard Taylor yell. "Taylor! What the hell!" Nash yelled in response.

On the way to the car it was a medley of slapping, "or nahs", and "pümas".

Oh boy. I rolled my eyes. This is gonna be a long week.


Thanks so much for reading! I really appreciate it!

So I need to fill some spots for the boys' girlfriends.




Jack Gs-

Jack Js-



Message or comment if you want to be one 😊😊 thanks.

Love you all.

Forever and always (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now