Chapter: 34

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Ok, so as you guys know, I have to walk 1/2 a mile to get wifi just so I can post and talk to you guys. I am currently walking down a huge hill to the shop/ barn thing where my wifi is.



Britney's POV.

Let me just say right now. I hate being in trouble, I hate the principals office, and I hate the damn principal. Wow. Those are really cool ceiling tiles. Focus Britney! So I got in trouble again. Because apparently I talked back. Like bish whet? it's my voice.

"Yes principal James. I completely understand what Britney did was wrong, and I can assure you she won't do it again." My mother told the principal apologetically and glared at me. I didn't care.

I zoned out again and started thinking about the next Magcon and where it was going to be. Magcon. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. I miss him so much. I haven't seen him for like 3 weeks. I know it's probably been like 2 but it feels like 3. We text, FaceTime and call, but it's just not the same you know?


I looked up and they both looked at me with that dead look in their eyes. Uh hello. Take a picture. It'll last longer.

"Once again, I apologize for my daughter's behavior and it won't happen again." My mom said standing up and shaking the lean, mean, green suited mans hand. Hah. Lean, mean, green those rhyme. Fuck you school.

My mother walked out of the school after talking to the secretary for about 5 minutes. Jesus mom, do you have to talk to everyone?

She opened the school doors and I found my car and unlocked it. Mom took the keys out of my hand and locked it again.

"What are you doing?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Locking your car. Duh. Let Breanna take it home." She told me and I just stared at her.

"Why!" I whine and she does that "are-you-kidding-me" mom face.

"Just get in." She said opening her car door. I opened the passenger seat and got in grumpily.

She was silent the whole ride home which kind of scared me.


No answer.

"Are you okay?"


I groaned. "Are you mad at me?"

She turned to me. "No, honey no! If anything I'm surprised!" She looked at the road again and merged left.

I rose an eyebrow in confusion. "Surprised? Why?"

She chuckled. "Because. When I was your age, I did the exact same thing you did in highschool. So I can't get mad at you for what I did, that wouldn't be right."

We pulled into our driveway. "Wait. Do I have to go back to school?" I asked while she grabbed her purse.

"Do you want to?" She asked me unlocking the front door.

"Hah. No." I laughed and threw my backpack on the floor.

I heard her laugh behind me. "Do you want to have a girls day for the rest of the afternoon?" She asked. I dropped my phone and keys and jumped in excitement.

"Yes!" I screamed and hugged her.

"Isn't it yas? That's what your brother always says..?" She pulled me away.

"Best. Mom. Ever!" I broke out laughing. I don't think she understood what was happening.

Once again we were in the car and she drove to the mall.

I swear, if the government could pay me to shop I would be a billionaire. In the past 2 hours, total, we spent $2000. Oops?

The last thing we did was get our nails done which took about 30 minutes. I got gold acrylic tips while she got a simple French manicure.

The drive home was surprisingly fast. She pulled into the driveway and began checking her purse.

My phone was blowing up with calls so I answered.



"Yeah? What's going on?"

"I'm like freaking out, Brit. Help me!"

"Aaron, slow down. What happened?"

"It''s Madison..."

I laughed. "What about her?"

"She's pregnant..."

"Hah! It's about time that hoe learned her lesson! I'd hate to be the guy who got her pregnant..." I said and my mother looked at me confused. "Who's the dad Aaron?"


"Aaron..?" I looked at my phone to see if I still had service. I did.


"Who's the dad?"


Oh my God.


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