Chapter: 13

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Britney's POV

Where am I?

I hear voices all around me, but I see nothing. Black, cold, bitter, nothing.

I hear a faint steady beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Am I dead?

No! My phone! I need my phone!

Wait. No. God, please take my phone! Give me Matt! I wish Matt was here right now.

"Why is he here?" I heard mom ask.

Who is she talking to?

"I don't know. I thought we were safe from him after-" Cam started saying.

"Britney!" Mom yelled and ran over to hug me.

I slowly opened my eyes and watched as the light blinded me.

I squinted my eyes and covered them up.

"Where am I?" I asked looking around the room.

"Honey, you're in the hospital." Mom said gently.

"What? Why? Is Cam alright?" I asked frantically.

"I'm fine Brit." Cam said walking over to me.

The memories were flooding back to me.


He's back.

Or should I say here.

How did he find me?

The door opened and a doctor with a clipboard walked through.

"Alright.. You're Britney, correct?" He asked avoiding eye contact.

I nodded. Oh yeah. He can't see me.

"Yes." I replied.

"Your heart rate balance is back to normal so you may go home if you like." He said writing notes on his paper.

My eyes twinkled with joy.

"Thank you doctor." My mother told him.

He nodded and left the room.

"Can I please go home?" I begged my mom.

"Sure." She smiled.

"Cameron, grab her bags please." Mom told Cam while he was on his phone.

"Ugh. Fine." He said putting his phone in his pocket and grabbing my bag.

"Thanks Cam. You're the best brother ever." I told him sweetly.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He grabbed my bags and left the room.

Mom laughed and she helped me up and we walked out of the room to go check out.

After mom checked out, we went down to the emergency enter parking lot and got in the car. It was a long drive home.

Once we pulled into our driveway, Cam picked me up. He took me inside and all the lights were off.

I flicked on the switch and everybody was here. Nash, Camila, Jack and Jack, Mikaela and GG, Chelsea, Matt, Aaron, Shawn, Carter, even Taylor.

Above them was a happy birthday banner.

What..? My birthday? MY BIRTHDAY.

I forgot my own birthday. Oh that's wonderful.

"Happy birthday babe." Matt said while coming over and kissing my cheek.

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