Chapter: 33

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So I've decided to put the important things I have to say, in the beginning..,

I had this idea to write a fan fic for all of the boys in the O2L and Magcon fandom. I have a really awesome idea in mind and I really hope you guys like it. Id tell you guys the name of it, but last time I did that, someone took my title. So thanks if you're reading this.

But should I?? And I'll need people to be in so, message me and I might just pick you.


Matt's POV

It's been about a week and a half since Britney and I have seen eachother. Yeah, I mean, we've FaceTimed and texted but it's not the same you know? It's kinda like the way you see food in pictures and it's not the same as seeing it in real life? Ok. Maybe that wasn't the best analogy but.

Seeing her everyday, seeing her smile, being the reason behind her smile, I really miss her. I can't wait for next week at Magcon.


I groaned and rolled out of bed. My uniform was lying on my dresser since last week when i refused to go to school.

( A/N: I really hate writing about school so just pretend this is like the end of the school year.)

Once I put the clothes on I slumped down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom gave me a breakfast burrito.

"Have a good day at school sweetie." She said kissing my cheek.

I heard a honk outside and grabbed my backpack. A familiar car pulled up and I got in.

I would've drove to school but my mom took away my license because apparently you NEED to go to school. Like what?

"Hey cutie." She said flashing me a smile and her friends grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "Hi." I replied looking out the window.

"What's up with you. I've missed your cute smile." She replied putting her hand on my knee.

I pushed her hand away and looked at her. "Just drive."

"You know people have been wondering what happened between us?" She told me starting the ignition.

"And..? Your point is? I seriously don't care. We never happened. You always tried to get in my pants and annoyed me. I have a girlfriend." I shot back and she laughed glaring at me.

Her green eyes shot into my hazel eyes. "I don't care about your whore of a girlfriend. It's me or her. Either you have a ride to school or a slut."

I laughed and opened the car door.

"Where are you going? Get back in here." She said slowly driving 20 feet where I had walked.

"Walking to school." I plainly stated.

She scoffed. "Uh do you know who I am?"

"Yeah." I replied. "A whore."

"Get in."

"No." Damn. She needs to leave.

"Get in!" She yelled this time. "Or I'll make the rest of your sophomore year hell for you!"

"I don't care Maggie! Fuck off!" I said flipping her off and walking the remaining 5 miles to school.


Britney's POV

"Britney Dallas to the principals office."

Those words rung out through the entire school.

I heard laughing and some girls snickered while I made my way to the office.

The secretary pointed her finger to the back where the principal was without making eye contact.

I walked back there and the principal was on the phone.

"One minute." He said into the phone. "Please, take a seat." He gestured to the seats infront of his desk.

I rolled my eyes without him noticing and sat down and waited.

He soon hung up the phone and looked at me.

"So, do you know why you're here?" He asked me laying his hands down in front of him.

I snickered. "Don't you think if I did, I would've prevented it and wouldn't have to come here?" I asked and his facial expression became more stern.

"Miss Dallas, I realize there is one month of school left but that doesn't mean you should basically tell off the school cheerleaders for sitting down at a table at lunch." He explained and I became more annoyed.

"Is that it? I got called in for speaking my mind? Can I go now?" I asked and he sighed.

"Go, but next time I'll call your mother." He told me pointing towards the door.

"Do it. Put her on speaker. I'd love to hear what she says." And with that I walked out of his office.


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