The Necklace

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"Yes, mum! I have everything I need for both the Weasley's and Hogwarts", I chuckle, following her downstairs.

"I know, I know. I was just checking", Mum sighs, as we walk towards the fireplace.

"I know, but you have to understand that I've been going to their house right before school starts for five years. I think I've got my routine down", I point out, swinging my messenger bag over my shoulder.

"I know. You're just growing up on me", Mum sighs back, making me smile.

"But I'll always be your little girl", I smile, before hugging her. I take some floo powder and face the fireplace. I take a deep breath, before tossing the floo powder into the fireplace and saying,

"The burrow!" loud and clear.

After a few seconds, I open my eyes to see that I'm in The Burrow now. Perfect timing. I smile to myself, before setting my bags down.

"Oh!" I jump, when I hear the sudden voice come from behind me. I turn around to see Ginny holding her chest, chuckling. "You gave me quite a scare", Ginny chuckles, walking over to me.

"Sorry. Floo Network", I chuckle, embracing her into a warm, friendly hug. "It would be good if they added a bell to it, so you wouldn't be so surprised to see someone in your house", I add, making her chuckle.

"Yeah, that certainly would make it better", Ginny agrees, with a bright smile.

"I have to say Ginny... you look so beautiful", I admit, making her blush lightly.

"So do you. I forgot how natural and beautiful you look, as well as so healthy", Ginny compliments.

"Awe, thank you, Gin", I smile, winking at her, in a friendly way, of course.

She's got such pretty and shiny ginger red hair, and her eyes are so adorable. Her body is small and petite, like mine, but she's got a strong head on her. She's both brave and beautiful, and I like to think, she learned a bit of it from me, not to burst my own bubble, of course....

Okay, maybe a little....

"Belle", I hear Ron exclaim from behind me. I twirl around to see Ron heading downstairs, happily.

"Ron", I smile, meeting him half-way. He embraces my small body into his strong arms, and I hug back.

Ron has always been like a big brother to me, and Ginny has always been like a little sister to me. The whole Weasley family is like a second family to me. Ron was the first friend I made at Hogwarts, besides Harry, of course. Harry is like a big brother to me, as well. He's always been very protective over me, and he's always looked out for me.

"It's so good to see you! You've grown so much", Ron admits, as we pull away. "I can't believe you're 16! It seems like just yesterday we were little 1st years", Ron chuckles.

"I know! Look how the time flies", I chuckle.

"Oh, Annabelle! I've been hoping you'd show up soon! I have something for you", I hear Molly say, making me turn around to see her walking over to me, with open arms. I smile, before hugging her. "Come, come. I have something of your Grandma's to give you", Molly says, leading me into the kitchen.

"My grandma? What is it", I question, confused.

I've never even met my grandma. She was killed by you-know-who, when she was in her forties. Everything of hers was destroyed in the ambush that set her house on fire.

"This", Molly says, opening a drawer and taking out an enchanting locket with a real ruby gem on the inside.

"Wow.... Where did you find this", I ask, confused.

"Katrina told me to give it to you... when you turned sixteen. She got this when she was sixteen, as well. It meant a lot to her that you got this at sixteen, no more, no less", Molly explains, as she hands it to me. I glide my finger across the ruby, before speaking.

"What's so important about it?"

"It's a family heirloom. Her grandma gave it to her, her grandma's grandma gave it to her and so on and so forth", Molly replies.

"Why was it only grandma's that gave it to grandchildren, rather than children?"

"I don't know. That's just how it started", Molly answers.

"Why did she give it to you and not my mom?"

"Your mom and her were fighting at the time, and she was afraid your mom would get mad and just throw it away or something, so she gave it to me. Our families go way back, and by coincidence, you and Ron met on your own, before we could introduce you two", Molly explains, making me slowly nod.

"Could you", I ask. Molly nods, smiling, before she takes the necklace from me. I turn my back to her, moving my hair out of the way. She wraps the necklace around my neck, before clipping it.

The necklace hangs right on the beginning of my cleavage, so it's not very low or very tight. I let go of my hair, and it falls randomly over my shoulders, as I look down at the necklace.

"Guard it with your life....."

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