Did Draco just get... Mad?

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*In Defense Against the Dark Arts*

While I'm standing at my desk, practicing a nonverbal spell on the pair of broken glasses, I feel someone slide their arm around my waist. I tense up, clenching my jaw. "You're doing such a good job", Jason whispers, as he slides his hand up and down my back, in a slow motion.

"Well, you're not helping my concentration", I hiss, bitterly, as I continue to try to use the spell "Oculus Reparo" to repair the glasses, nonverbally.

"I can't help it. You're so sexy, when you're concentrated", Jason states, chuckling to himself.

"I must be sexy all the time then", I roll my eyes, before setting my wand down. I can't do this. His touching is starting to put me on edge again. "I thought I told you to fuck some other slut", I say, turning around to face him.

"I don't want to fuck anybody else..... I wanna fuck you so hard", Jason whispers, as he steps towards me.

"Jason, just stop. It's not gonna happen", I hiss, quietly, so Snape doesn't notice.

"You think that now.... but it will, whether or not I have to tie you down and force fuck you, it's gonna happen one way or another", Jason smirks, as he steps even closer to me. I step back, but my back hits the wall behind me, and Jason stretches his arms out on either side of me.

"Jason, move...", I hiss, trying to push him back, but he's too strong for me. He starts to lean in, when someone grabs him and yanks him back.

"Hey, just leave the girl alone!"

Oh my god....

*Draco's Pov*

As I'm "practicing" a spell, from the corner of my eye I see that same arse from yesterday morning stepping towards Belle.

Damn. He must be obsessed with her or something... I don't know why else he would keep messing around with her.

I watch as Belle steps back, but her back hits the wall behind her, and the guy stretches his arms out on either side of her, trapping her.

Okay, this is starting to anger me...

This arsehole needs to fuck off, before I make him fuck off.

"Jason, move...", I hear Bell hiss, trying to push him back, but he's too strong for her. I watch as he starts to lean in, when I quickly storm over to him, grab him and yank him back.

"Hey, just leave the girl alone", I snap. Jason chuckles, before turning around to face me.

"And who's gonna stop me? You", Jason smirks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I am, and I will.... Leave Belle alone...", I warn, stepping towards him. Jason starts to raise his fist to punch Draco, but Snape speaks before he can.

"Jason Teague! What do you think you're doing", Snape hisses, making Jason stop instantly.

"Um... uh..."

"He's been harassing Annabelle, and I was just honoring her, sir", Draco says.

"Detention. All three of you. A week. Come to my room at 5, and you will clean. You do that, and I won't take any points off", Snape says, before walking off. I glance at Draco, before mouthing the words,

"Thank you."

So... did Draco just get... mad?

For me?


I didn't think he gave any kind of shits about anything, especially not me.

I thought he hated me 100%.. Looks like he doesn't hate me 100%....


I'm not gonna lie... Draco was really attractive, when he stood up for me...

I never thought I'd think Draco Malfoy was attractive...


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