Ron's Been Poisoned

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I slowly walk into the Hospital Wing, to see Ginny and Hermione sitting with Ron, and Harry's standing aside. "So, it's true.... Ron was poisoned", I say, as I limp over to them.

"Yeah...", Harry sighs.

"My god..." From the corner of my eye, I see McGonagall, Dumbledore, Snape, and Slughorn walking into the Hospital Wing, as well. I step aside, next to Harry, as they look at Ron.

"Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using a bezoar", Dumbledore says, looking at Harry. "You must be very proud of your student, Horace."

"Hm? Oh, yes, very proud", Slughorn says.

"I think we agree, Potter's actions were heroic. The question is, why were they necessary", McGonagall sighs.

"Why, indeed", Dumbledore says, looking at Slughorn. "This appears to be a gift, Horace. You don't remember who gave you this bottle? Which, by the way, possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry.... when not polluted with poison...", Dumbledore says, as he hands the bottle to Snape.

"Actually I intended to give it as a gift myself", Slughorn admits.

"To whom, I might ask", Dumbledore questions.

"To you, headmaster..."

My eyes widen, and I bite the inside of my lip.

"Where is he", I hear Lavender ask, making me roll my eyes. My god... "Where's my Won-Won. Has he been asking for me?" Lavender walks over to Ron to see Hermione sitting by his bed. "What's she doing here?"

"I might ask you the same question", Hermione says, standing up.

"I happen to be his girlfriend", Lavender hisses, offended.

"I happen to be his... friend..."

"Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks... I suppose you want to make up now that's he's suddenly all interesting", Lavender says, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. God, she is so dramatic.

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo. And for the record, I've always found him interesting", Hermione hisses. Ron groans in his sleep, making Lavender look at him.

"Ah. See? He senses my presence. Don't worry, Won-Won. I'm here. I'm here."

Okay, now I'm mentally puking. He starts to mumble someone's name, but it's inaudible.

"Uh....... Her... Her.... Hermione", Ron mumbles, making my eyes widen. "Hermione...." Lavender pulls away, before running off, as Hermione's eyes widen. Hermione slowly takes a seat on his bed and looks at Ron. I smile happily, glancing at Harry.

"Oh, to be young, and to feel love's keen sting", Dumbledore says. "Well, come away, everybody. Mr. Weasley is well tended." Everyone starts to walk off, and Ginny stands up, looking at Harry and I.

"About time, don't you think?" With that, she leaves. Harry and I look at Hermione, and she looks at us.

"Oh, shut up..." I smile, before leaving.

It's nice to see that they're finally finding each other.... I always knew those two had great chemistry. Now... if only, I was with the one that I love....

I'm still heartbroken that Draco kissed me for the first time and broke it off with me in a matter of less than twenty-four hours.... I know he did it for the greater good, but I don't care about the greater good... I wanna be with him.... I wanna be able to kiss him whenever I like, cuddle with him whenever I like.... talk to him about anything and everything cause I know he'll listen... I want that so much........ but I'll never be able to have it....

Once you become a deatheater... you're stuck for life, until you or Voldemort dies.... Then, you'll finally be set free....

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