Our Final Goodbye...

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I run after the others, and I see Draco stop walking. "Draco", I yell. Everyone turns around to see me standing a few feet from them. They all point their wands at me, but I don't move a muscle.

"NO", Draco snaps at them. "She saved my life from Potter.... Lower your wands...", Draco orders. They all hesitantly lower their wands, and Draco slowly walks towards me.

"I saw everything...", I whisper, making his eyes widen. "You didn't kill him.... I knew you weren't a murderer", I add, making him give me a weak smile.

"I couldn't bring myself to do it.... I just kept thinking about you.... and I just couldn't", Draco sighs.

"Draco.... I don't want this to be goodbye.... but I know it has to be...", I sigh, as tears run down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Belle.... I wish I could've done more... given you more...."

"Don't be sorry.... You had to do what you had to do... to stay alive and to protect me.... I told you that you could protect me", I smile weakly.

"I'll find you... one day. I promise.... I love you, Annabelle Mary James...", Draco smiles. There's that soft expression again....

I'm glad I got to see it again....

"I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy", I smile back. Draco leans down, locking his soft lips with mine. I kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist, and he pulls me closer to him.

This kiss isn't like the others... This kiss is different... This kiss is real. This kiss is passionate. This kiss.... is full of love..... This is our last kiss, but I will never forget it.... Draco and I come from two completely different familes, two completely different houses, and we're two completely different people.... but that doesn't matter. Love is love... It may be a bitch sometimes, but in the end... it's all worth it.... I will never forget Draco Malfoy.... ever... He was my first ever real boyfriend. It may have only lasted a short time, but it'll forever be in my heart. He will forever be in my heart....

I love Draco Malfoy. I always will.

This is... our final goodbye....

but at least his expression wasn't stone, cold.... His expression was......


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