Mistakes Have Been Made....

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*The Next Morning*

I skip into the Grand Hall and over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Someone's a happy girl", Harry chuckles.

"I am! Ron's all better and finally not with Lavender, and I'm finally with someone", I admit, as I plop down beside Harry.

"And who might that be", Hermione questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, you don't know him. He goes to another school", I lie, shrugging my shoulders.

"Reallyyyyy? If we don't know him, then tell us his name", Ron taunts, smirking.

"Nah. It's none of your business, anyways", I smirk back. Harry chuckles, as he looks down at his Potions book.

"Harry", Hermione whispers, making Harry look up. "That's Katie... Katie Bell." Harry looks over to see Katie walking with her friend over to their other friends. Harry quickly stands up and rushes over to her.

"Isn't she the one who got hexed", I whisper.

"Yeah. That's her alright", Ron answers.

I watch as Harry and her talk, and I glance around, when I see Draco walking into the Grand Hall, looking really stressed.

Oh god.... I have a bad feeling something's gonna happen... That same twisted feeling is back, and it was right before.... so I'm not gonna doubt it again. I watch as he continues to walk forwards, when Katie glances behind Harry, at Draco. Her eyes widen slightly, like she remembers something. My eyes widen, as well, as Harry turns around to see Draco stop walking. He adjusts his tie, like it's suffocating him, before he glances around. His eyes meet mine, before he quickly rushes towards the door again.

"I have to go", I say, before quickly standing up and following Draco out the door.

I leave the Grand Hall and head up the steps, following Draco. He rounds the corner back towards the way to the Room of Requirement, but he takes another turn, into the boys bathroom. I hesitate to walk in, but I slowly do. I round one more corner to see him looking at his reflection in the mirror. He pulls off his vest, as he takes quick, deep breaths. He turns on the sink, before splashing his face with the water. I hear him start to sob softly, making me quickly rush over to him. I place my hand on top of his, making him swiftly grab me, pointing his wand at me. My breathing becomes hitched, but when he sees that it's me, he instantly lowers his hand.


"Shh. Don't say anything", I whisper, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him. "It's gonna be okay... I promise", I comfort, as he sobs into my arm.

"I know what you did, Malfoy. You hexed her, didn't you", I hear Harry hiss, making me quickly pull away from him. Draco quickly turns around, a face of anger appearing across his face. I watch as he swiftly throws a spell at Harry, making me jump back.

"No, stop", I yell, as Harry throws a spell at Draco. I duck down, hiding beside the sink, in the corner, as Harry runs through the stalls. Draco quickly runs towards the stalls, as well. Draco throws another spell at Harry, making him hide behind the door. Draco slowly kneels down at a stall, and after a couple seconds, he throws another spell at Harry. I hear Harry quickly stand up, making me rush closer to the scene. Draco stands up and points his wand at the other end of the stalls, where Harry has to come out...

Oh, no...

I hear Harry's footsteps getting closer, and I finally hear his voice.

"Sectumsempra", Harry yells.

"NO", I scream, before dashing towards Draco. I rush in front of him, and I feel the spell hit me right in the chest.

I let out a shaky breath, as the spell sends me back. I hit the wet floor, and I slowly lift up my shirt to see blood trickling down my sides.

"BELLE", I hear Draco exclaim, rushing over to me. He slowly pulls me into his lap, and I slowly look at him. "What've you done?!"

"B-Belle.... I didn't... I didn't mean... to hit her...", I hear Harry stutter out.

"Why did you do that", Draco asks me, as he strokes my soft cheek.

"Cause... you're always protecting me... It's about time I did the same...", I answer, clenching my jaw, considering I'm in a shit ton of pain right now. I smile weakly, before Draco slowly leans down and kisses my lips softly. I hear footsteps rushing through the water, making me look over. I see Snape kneeling down, as he looks at me. He glances at Harry, making Harry rush out of the room. Snape slowly gets out his wand and places it onto my chest.

"Vulnera Sanentur", Snape says, making the blood slowly absorb. I feel my wounds slowly closing up. Snape repeats the words, as he runs his wand down my chest, making all the blood disappear.

After he's done, I slowly look at Draco.

"I love you..." With that, I close my eyes and let the darkness engulf me.......

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