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I slowly open the door to Ron and Harry's compartment, and they look up at me. "Hi", I greet, sighing.


"Come on in..." I slowly walk in and shut the door behind me.

"I'm surprised you're not with your brother", Ron says.

"He's going to Jason's house for Christmas. I'm going to mine. My mum says she has something special planned", I explain, briefly. "But I'll still being your to your house the last couple days", I add.

"Good. Mum will love to see you", Ron sighs, giving me a half-smile. "Oh, bloody hell...", Ron says, looking at the door. I look over to see Lavendar standing at the door. I roll my eyes, and she breaths on the door, before writing a heart with,

R + L

on the inside.

Harry awkwardly looks at me, and I shrug my shoulders. She breaths over it one more time, before speaking.

"I miss you", Lavendar says, through the glass. She finally walks off, making Harry speak.


"All she wants to do is snog me. My lips are getting chapped. Look", Ron says, leaning in closer to us.

"I'll take your word for it", Harry says, moving back.

I look back at the door to see Hermione pass by it, but when she says the door, she stops and glances at Ron. She quickly rushes off, making me sigh.

"I'm gonna go check on her. I'll talk to you guys later", I say, standing up. They nod, and I leave the compartment, shutting the door behind me. I see Hermione standing outside of an empty compartment, making me walk over to her. "Hey, how are you", I ask.

"I'm fine. The real question is... how are you? You left pretty quickly, when you saw Malfoy", Hermione says.

"I was tired", I lie, shrugging my shoulders.

"Belle.... I know you're lying... Just tell me the truth... Is there something going on between you and Malfoy", Hermione sighs.

"Of course not! I hate the bloody git. Besides... why would there be anything going on between us, when we both hate each other", I sigh.

"You'd be surprised.... Sometimes opposites attract..."


"So, how's school been", Mum asks, as we're walking through the gates to our manor.

"Okay... I guess", I sigh.

"Okay? Why.. okay?"

"I don't know... It's been kind of... weird... I've developed these... complicated feelings for... a complicated guy. Sometimes he can be a bloody idiot, but then... sometimes he can be.... surprising", I explain.

"Ooo. Sounds like love to me... How does he feel about you", Mum questions.

"Well.... he's almost kissed me... on numerous actions, but... something always interrupts us... so I'm guessing.. he likes me", I sigh, making her chuckle.

"Who is this complicated guy?"

"You don't know him.... Honestly, neither do I... I haven't quite been able to figure him out yet...", I chuckle, as we head inside.

"Oh, well, just know you have plenty of time for guys.... You don't have to think so much about it right now... Especially, at this moment. Tomorrow night I have some special guests who'll be dining with us", Mum smiles.

"Oooo. Sounds ominous", I chuckle.

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