The Ring of Fire

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I jump, making Mum look at me.

"You alright, love", Mum asks.

"No... I just got this... terrible feeling.. something bad's gonna happen at the Burrow", I admit, standing up and grabbing my wand.

"Honey, you were just dreaming", Mum says, following me.

"I don't think so..... Mum... I have a twisted feeling in my stomach. I promise I'll be right back", I say, as I take some floo powder into my hand. I toss it into the fireplace saying,

"The burrow!" loud and clear.

A few seconds later, I'm right outside the Burrow, making me sigh. I glance around to see that nothing's going on, at the moment.

I look around as the wind blows through the fields. I hear voices, making me look back. I see Remus and Tonks standing outside the door. I quickly run over to them, and they look at me, surprised.

"Belle?! What on earth are you doing here", Molly exclaims.

"I had this terrible feeling something bad was gonna happen here... I don't know why, but I had this... twisted feeling in my stomach, and I just... had to check", I explain, looking around.

"I think Remus feels it to", Tonks says, as he looks around.

I slowly step away from the door, and I look out at the fields. It's so quiet... too quiet....

After a couple of minutes of looking around, I slowly look up to see a flaming ball of fire heading straight for me. I quickly dash away from the field, as the fire lands on the ground, setting fire everywhere. I feel some of the fire burn into my skin, as I'm running away from it. I wince in pain, but I keep running.

Once I'm away from the fire, I look around to see a ring of fire surrounding the Burrow. "Deatheaters", I say, getting out my wand. I watch as one of them lands on the ground and transforms into Bellatrix Lestrange. I watch as she runs through the fire, when someone runs past me.

"Harry, no!" My eyes widen, and I quickly run after Harry. I don't need him dying on me.

Harry and I run through the fire, but it closes up behind us.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black", Bellatrix yells, taunting Harry. "You coming to get me?"

"Harry, stop! It's a trap", I yell, chasing after him.

"Harry, can you get me? You coming to get me", Bellatrix yells.

Her voice finally stops, so Harry stops running and so do I. We both glance around, hearing sounds all around us. Harry starts to run again, and I run after him. "Harry", I yell. I stop running and look around. Oh no, I've lost him. "Harry?" I see something creeping towards me, making me back up. Oh, no... It's another deatheater. I let out a shaky breath, as I grip my wand tight.

Someone comes out from behind me, making me jump.

"Stupefy", Harry yells, pointing his wand at the deatheater. He just deflects it, making me slowly raise my wand. He quickly flies up into the air, and I slowly look around.

"They're all around us...", I say, my voice shaking.

After a couple seconds, I hear Arthur speak.


They start to throw spells at us, making us start to deflect them.


I feel one of their spells hit me, making me let out groan in pain. I feel the spell run through me, and I let out a deep breath, as the spell's effects slowly die down.

After a few more seconds of deflecting the spells, Arthur, Remus, and Tonks run over to us and get in the middle with us.

We all slowly look around, wands at the ready, when both deatheaters fly back up, making me sigh.

"Wait... the Burrow", I say. I hear a loud sound come from the burrow, making us all look towards the Burrow.

It's on fire...

"Molly...", Arthur says, before running towards the Burrow. I follow after him, feeling my heart race a million miles a second.

Oh no... What if someone's trapped or... not everyone got out....

I can only assume the worst...

When we finally make it back to the Burrow, I see everyone standing outside, safe and sound. Arthur quickly rushes over to Molly, and I let out a gasp, when I look up at the burning Burrow.

"Belle... are you okay", Ron asks, when he sees my burn.

"I'm fine...", I reply. He nods and pulls me into his arms, as the tears start to fall.

I have so many amazing memories here... and they all just burned up... thanks to those goddamn deatheaters....

Did Draco know about this? I mean... Bellatrix is his aunt, and that other deatheater was at his... ceremony thing at Borgin and Burkes....

I start to shake, making Ron hold me tighter.

I can't believe this is happening...

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