New Feelings Arise

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As Draco and I are walking back to the Gryffindor Tower, I can't help but feel kind of... comfortable, in a way. I mean... when I'm around Jason... I feel... weird and uncomfortable and... not safe, but... when I'm with Draco, I feel... safe and warm and... I get these fuzzy feelings in my stomach.

At first, like on the train, I didn't have these feelings, but... ever since he stood up for me today... my feelings have changed or... more like.. I don't know what to feel.

I mean, he saw that Jason was making me uncomfortable, and he helped me.... even though he didn't have to. He didn't have to pull Jason off, therefore getting himself in trouble. He chose to do that, but I don't know why. Last time I checked, he hated me.

"Draco... can I ask you a question", I finally ask, breaking the silence.

"Depends on the question..."

"Why did you stand up for me today, therefore getting yourself in trouble", I ask, curiously.

"Cause... Jason's a dick, and I saw that he was making you uncomfortable. I saw him yesterday and this morning with you... and I could tell that he was really touchy, and you didn't like it... I may not be friends with you or even like you, maybe even despise you... but no girl.. should ever go through that... It's not right.... I couldn't just stand there and let him force himself on you. I would never be able to forgive myself, if I let him do that", Draco admits.

"Well.. thank you. I don't know if he's gonna stop all together, but you made him stop... for a little bit, and I appreciate it", I sigh.

"No problem...."

We both go back to walking in silence, when I hear a noise come from another corridor. I stop walking and so does Draco.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah... What was it?"

"I don't know.... but I'm gonna check it out", I say, before heading towards the other corridor. I take a deep breath and peak around the corner. I see the white bird that hangs out in a cage in this corridor, sitting on the windowsill.

Uh oh, he got loose.

I bring two fingers to my mouth, before whistling. I hold out my finger, and the bird flies onto it.

"What are you doing? You know, you're not supposed to be out", I say, petting the little bird's head. I get out my wand, before speaking. "Accio birdcage." The cage disappears from it's spot, and I hold out my hand. It lands in my hand, before I set it down. I open it up, before placing the bird into the cage. I point my wand at the cage, before speaking again. "Mobiliarbus", I say. The cage starts to levitate, and I slowly move my wand over to the hook where the cage once was, before I carefully place the cage back onto the hook.

I smile to myself, before turning around to see Draco watching me. He looks so intrigued.

*Draco's Pov*

I slowly peak around the corner to see Belle holding out her finger. I watch as the little white bird slowly lands on her finger. "What are you doing? You know, you're not supposed to be out", Belle says, petting the little bird's head.

She's so delicate and careful with the bird...

She gets out her wand, before speaking.

"Accio birdcage." The cage disappears from it's spot, and Belle holds out her hand. It lands in her hand, before she sets it down. 


Belle opens it up, before placing the bird into the cage. She points her wand at the cage, before speaking again. "Mobiliarbus", Belle says. The cage starts to levitate, and she slowly moves her  wand over to the hook where the cage once was, before she carefully places the cage back onto the hook.

Belle finally turns around to see me watching her carefully.

"You're so delicate with the bird", I say.

"Well, I have to be. It's small and fragile, and normally, you're careful with fragile objects", Belle points out, as she walks back over to me.

"But you spent your time getting her back into her cage, when you could've left the problem alone... Why?"

"Sometimes some things are just worth spending my time on. No matter the problem or the person.. I just wanna help. I don't wanna be a nuisance or... useless, so when given the chance, I take it", Belle explains, before walking off.

Wow... She's so.. innocent and pure.... and better than me...

Oh no... I'm starting to... I think... maybe.... fall in love with her....

Uh oh... This isn't good.....

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