I'm Not Going

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"What?! Why aren't you going? It's the first game of the season", Max exclaims.

"I know... I just don't want to... I have a lot on my mind right now, and I'm not really in the mood to go...", I sigh, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, this will help clear your mine. Come onnnnn!! Just goooo", Max begs, making me chuckle.

"I'm not going, Max. I'll see you later", I sigh.

"Well, where are you gonna go?"

"The Astronomy Tower. I need to clear my head", I answer, before walking past him and leaving the Gryffindor Tower.

I really need to figure out how I feel about Draco. I can't get him off my mind, and I don't know what to feel... I mean, I wanna help him, but he just simply won't let me. I hate this feeling. I hate feeling like I'm useless and can't help anyone. All I wanted to do was make him feel like someone does love him.... I know he doesn't love me, but... I'm starting to fall for him... and I wish I weren't.

We'll never be able to be together, under any circumstance, and... I'm falling in love with him, which isn't a good thing.

I slowly start to walk up the steps, sighing to myself.

Everyday I just look over at him... and I can't help but smile. He may be the most complicated guy on the planet.... but he's different than what he's been known to be like over the years. I know he's different. I can tell... I'm not stupid. I know when people change... and he changed.. I just wish he'd admit when he's changed and stop trying to act all big and tough.

When I make it to the Astronomy Tower, I shut the door behind me, sighing.

I just wanna sit up here and clear my mind of it's confusing thoughts.

I don't know what to do anymore. I sat up all night thinking about it... and I'm in love with Draco Malfoy.

There is no way these feelings are gonna go away any time soon, but I'm just gonna have to push them aside and pretend they don't exist. I realize that Draco and I will ever be more than enemies, maybe even acquaintances, but that's very unlikely...

I set my bag down, before getting out muh journal and my quill and ink. I open my journal up to the drawing I've been working on for ages.

It's almost done, though, and I'm super happy with how its turned out.

I grab my quill and dip it into my ink, before I start to continue it.

*Draco's Pov*

As I'm walking towards my dorm, from the corner of my eye, I see Jason quietly sneaking up the steps to the Astronomy Tower.

What the hell is he doing?! Why isn't he at the Quidditch game with everyone else? I know why I'm not there. I couldn't care less about Quidditch. I have a lot more on my mind right now than Quidditch.

He probably just doesn't care.

I start to keep walking, but I stop after a couple seconds of walking.

Wait a second.... his best friend, Belle's brother, plays Quidditch. There is no way he wouldn't show up.

What the bloody hell is he going up there for?!

I know Belle wasn't gonna go.... She didn't tell me. I just overheard her conversation with her brother.

I also know that one of her favorite places to hide out, in the last five years.... was always the Astronomy Tower.... Oh no....

"Belle", I whisper, before stepping back to see that... Jason's gone...

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