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I slowly start to walk down the steps, when I see Draco walking up the same set of stairs, but on the other side. I stop walking, and I look at him. I really shouldn't be following him anymore, but.... I feel like I have to... I quietly walk over to the other side, before walking up the steps, making sure to stay as silent as possible.

After I make it to the top, I round the corner to see him walking down the hall, towards the Room of Requirement again. Oh no... what's he doing now....

I slowly follow behind him, before hiding behind a corner. I peak around the corner to see him walk past the door three times, once again, before standing in front of it. The doorway slowly opens, and he walks inside. I rush in, as well, and the doorway closes right behind me. I slip through a little hole in the piles of stuff to the other side, so I can still watch Draco but stay hidden. I quietly do the same thing that I did the other two things. Meaning I follow him but stay on the other side, so he can't see me. I watch as he pulls the same old, dusty blanket off the same cabinet, before sighing.

He opens the door, before setting a bird inside.

Oh no.... If the same thing happens to the bird, as it did the apple... that poor little white bird is gonna die....

I clench my jaw, as he shuts the door. However, he looks at his hand, before pulling off one of the bird's feathers. He holds it up into the light, and again, his expression is....


The cabinet makes the same sound as before, making Draco slowly open it. Oh my god.... The bird is gone, and... he didn't even say the spell.... He looks at it confused, before shutting the door again. I watch as he closes his eyes, and I shift slightly, so I can get a better look.

After a couple seconds, the cabinet makes the sound again, making Draco opens his eyes. He hesitantly opens the door, revealing that the bird is dead....

I knew it.... Oh my god. I watch as Draco slowly takes it out of the cabinet, before holding it in his hands.

This time his expression isn't just soft.... but it's almost sad....

I slowly come out from my hiding spot, but Draco doesn't see me. I'm behind him. I slowly walk forwards, and I place my hand on his arm. He glances at my hand, before turning around.


"You don't have to explain.... Just come with me", I say, before taking the bird in one of my hands. He takes my free hand into his, intertwining our fingers. I lead him over to the doorway, before closing my eyes.

After a couple seconds, the doorway appears, and I lead him out.

A few minutes later, we slowly step outside into the snow, and I start walking towards a special place that I treasure.

When we make it to the spot, I slowly let go of his hand and kneel down. I lie the bird down, before I dig a tiny hole for it. I pick the bird up and kiss it's tiny head, before setting it in the hole. I cover it back up, before sighing. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, before I stand up again. I slowly turn around to see tears rolling down Draco's cheek.

I can tell he didn't mean to hurt the poor bird.... I slowly wrap my arms around his waist, before hugging him. He wraps his arms around me and holds me.

"I'm sorry, Belle..... I'm so sorry...."

"Shhh. It's okay....", I comfort, before pulling away from him.

"I should've never pushed you away... I thought by... pushing you away... I'd be protecting you... but really I was just... hurting you....", Draco sighs, as he looks at me.

"You didn't know what to do... You were scared.... and fear can blind people from what they really need to do...." Draco slowly leans down and locks his soft lips with mine. I kiss back, just as slowly and softly.

I wrap my arms around his neck, and he pulls me deeper into the kiss.

"I've been wanting to kiss you ever since I tried to push you away", Draco admits, after he pulls away.

"Don't worry... I've been dying to feel your soft lips on mine, as well", I admit, smiling.

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