Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

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"Hey, Belle, you wanna go with Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and I to Diagon Alley to visit Fred and George's new joke shop", Ron asks, popping his head into the guest room I'm sharing with Ginny and Hermione.

"Sure", I answer, jumping up. I grab my messenger bag and my wand, before following him downstairs.

I round the corner, and Ginny looks over at me, when she hears our footsteps getting closer, and her eyes widen. "Damn, Belle! You're looking really stunning", Ginny smiles.

"Aww, thanks, Gin! I just threw something together earlier today, and I stuck with it", I shrug my shoulders, making Ron speak.

"If that's just throwing something together, I don't think I could imagine what it looks like, when you actually try", Ron admits, making me chuckle.

"Oh, shush, and let's go", I chuckle, rolling my eyes playfully.


We walk inside Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and I'm instantly greeted by the twins voices.

"Step up! Step up", Fred and George say in unison.

"We've got fainting fancies", Fred yells.

"Nosebleed Nougats", George shouts.

"And just in time for school", Fred adds.

"Puking pastilles", George adds, pointing at me, making me giggle to myself.

Ron and Harry split off in different directions, and Hermione and Ginny wonder off somewhere together, while I walk in another direction, as well.

It's so incredible what Fred and George have done with the place! Especially in just a year.

I knew they were different from Charlie and Bill or Percy or Ron.

They never had perfect grades like Percy. They weren't as cool as Bill or Charlie. They weren't the youngest male like Ron, and they obviously weren't born female like Ginny. They weren't like any of their other siblings. They were born differently, and a lot of people over looked them and didn't think they'd make a name for themselves, but I was one of the few people who did believe they were gonna do something amazing. Maybe not as amazing as Bill or Charlie, but something amazing.... that suits them. Something that's... perfect for them.

I mean... what's more perfect than a joke shop? They've always been the pranksters, and I did enjoy watching them set up pranks and watching the pranks actually happen to the people.

I may be pure and kind, but they always pulled the pranks on either their friends/family or not so nice people, so I didn't mind it much. It wasn't like they were pulling them on people who didn't deserve them. I mean, it's okay to prank your friends and family cause they know you're kidding, but they never pranked anyone who did nothing to them. That's what I've always loved about Fred and George.

They're subtle... but not too subtle.

I snap out of my thoughts, when someone speaks from behind me. "Wow..." I twirl around to see Fred and George admiring me, making me blush.

"What? Have I got something on my face", I ask.

"Besides beauty", Fred questions, raising his eyebrow.

"Right you are, Fred. Annabelle is quite a beauty", George nods, making me chuckle.

"Guyyyyys", I roll my eyes, blushing again.

"Awwww, come here, munchkin", Fred laughs, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug back, before repeating the same action with George.

"It's so good to see you guys! I'm so proud of what you've done with the place", I smile, as George and I pull away.

"Well, thank you", Fred smiles.

"Yeah, thank you. It means a lot to hear that from you, since you were one of the ones that helped us get here today", George adds, making me smile.

"Well, you guys have always been like big brothers to me, and what kind of little sister doesn't wanna help her big brothers out?"

"A bad one, that's who", They say in unison.

"Exactly! And I'm not a bad one", I laugh.

"No, you're not", George shakes his head.

"So, what have you been up to", Fred asks.

"Got a boyfriend yet", George adds, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Course not! I'm waiting until I really like a guy, remember? And I haven't... found a guy I'm really interested in yet. I mean, most guys are interested in one thing... just my beauty, and I am so much more than artificial", I explain.

"I couldn't agree more", Fred smiles.

"Yeah, if you weren't like a lil sis to me, I would date you", George admits.

"Same here", Fred agrees, nodding his head.

"Guysssss, you're making me blush", I smile, before hiding my face in my hands.

This is why I love these two.

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