"I Love You to, Belle..."

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*Harry's Pov*

"How's she doing", I ask.

"She's better", Hermione answers.

"But she still hasn't woken up", Ron adds, bitterly.

"It's not like I did it on purpose..."

"We know you didn't..... but you still chose to use that spell, knowing it was dangerous.... You almost killed her, Harry", Ginny sighs, as she stands up and walks over to me.

"I know! I almost killed Belle, who's like a sister to me! Don't you think I regret it", I exclaim.

"We think you need to get rid of the book.... Today", Ginny says. I slowly nod, agreeing.

*Draco's Pov*

I slowly walk into Belle's room to see her sleeping peacefully. The way the sunshine shines upon her... makes her glow... It's almost like it's a dream.... I slowly walk over to her, and I set the vase of white roses on her sidetable. White roses have always been her favorite flower. To her, they represent purity... and simplicity.... and innocence... I slowly look down at her peaceful, almost... statue-like body... I slowly take a seat beside her, before I take her hand into mine.

I feel.... like shit for letting this happen to her.... She doesn't deserve this... She doesn't deserve to be lying in this hospital bed... I do. I deserve pain. I don't deserve her. I'm supposed to protect and love her. I'm supposed to get hurt for her, not the other way around. I should've stopped her from doing it. I should've... I don't know.. I should've done anything than let her take the hit....

She almost died.... again... because of my stupid ass actions... I really hope she wakes up soon... I'm starting to get really worried. I slowly lean over and kiss her lips lightly.

"I love you to, Belle..." I start to stand up, but her grip tightens, making my eyes widen. I slowly look down at her to see her eyes slowly opening.

When her eyes are fully open, she glances around, when her eyes land on me. "You mean it", Belle questions.

"Mean what?"

"That you love me back..."

"Of course, I do.... I love you so much.... I have for a long time... I just never realized it... but now I see what I've missed out on... you", I admit, smiling. Belle smiles, before she slowly sits up. I take a seat on her bed, and she slowly brings her hand to my cheek, stroking it slowly.

"I missed you...."

"I missed you to... More than you'll ever know..." Belle slowly leans in, and I meet her half-way, connecting our lips. I kiss her softly and slowly, savoring every moment. Our lips move in sync, as she runs her hands through my messy hair.

I have wished for this for so long... and I've finally gotten my wish... I'm finally with the girl of my dreams.... and it's the most amazing feeling in the entire world....

When I'm with her, it's like the whole world disappears.. All my problems and mistakes just... disappear. It's like I'm in a whole nother world, a world where I'm not a deatheater. A world where I'm not trying to be something I'm not....

She makes me feel different..... She makes me happy, truly happy, and I've never once felt this way.... I've never truly been happy.... and I've never really known the feeling... but now I do....

Thanks to one person...

Annabelle Mary James....

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