Newfound Friendships and.... Kissing?

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*A Few Days Later*

"Was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas Party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements", Hermione sighs, as Harry and I follow her.

"Have you", Harry says.

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, I just thought, seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to... we should go together, as friends. And I figured Belle would already have a date, since guys are always swarming around her", Harry explains, making me chuckle, rolling my eyes.

"Why didn't I think of that", Hermione sighs.

"Who are you going with", I ask.

"Um, it's a surprise. Anyway, it's you we've got to worry about. You can't just take anyone", Hermione sighs. "See that girl over there?" We all look over at a dark brown haired girl with dashing blue eyes. "That's Romilda Vane. Apparently, she's trying to smuggle you a love potion", Hermione sighs.

"Really", Harry asks, almost happy about that. Hermione snaps her finger at Harry, making him snap out of his gaze.

"Hey! She's only interested in you cause she thinks you're the Chosen One", Hermione rolls her eyes.

"But I am the Chose One", Harry points out, making me roll my eyes. Hermione hits Harry with her book, making me flinch.

"Okay, sorry. Um, kidding..."

"What about you, Belle? Who are you going with", Hermione asks, looking at me, making Harry look at me, as well.

"Um... no one", I admit.

"What?! Really", Hermione exclaims.

"Yeah, seriously? Guys are always swarming around you", Harry points out.

"I have been asked several times, by several different guys, but... I said no to all of them. I wasn't even gonna go", I admit, shrugging my shoulders.

"You have to go! If you're not there, it'll be boring", Hermione exclaims.

"Wait... why did you say no to all of the guys who asked you", Harry questions, confused.

"Cause... the person I really wanna go with... can't go", I explain, shortly.



"Well, who did you wanna go with", Hermione asks.

"Doesn't matter. Why don't you and I go, Harry", I say.


"As friends, of course", I add, quickly.

"Of course", Harry chuckles.

"Well, I guess it's settled then... You both have someone decent to go with", Hermione smiles.


As I'm standing on the Astronomy Tower's balcony, I sigh to myself.

I know, it's a bit strange for me to be back here, after what happened a few days ago, but I'm not gonna let that arse, Jason, control me and what I do. Besides, I'm not very distracted this time. I'm just getting some fresh air and taking a break from Ginny. She's been talking about this party all day. She's been talking about what we should wear, how we should do our makeup and hair, etc,and it's like girl, I need a break.

I look out upon the Quidditch field, clenching my jaw. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at that field and not remember what happened ever again. It was so... unnerving. Honestly, it really was. I was so afraid that Jason was actually gonna get the chance to do it, before I could get away or someone would find him and stop him.

I'm a pretty strong girl, but it's like he, in a way, weakened me... I have all the memories of when I was younger, and him and my brother were always together. It's like I can't fight him cause I keep thinking about Max. I don't know what's gonna happen, if he finds out what his best friend has been doing to his little sister. I'm afraid he might actually kill him, if he finds out.

Max has always had a short-temper, like most Gryffindor's, but... he only gets furious, when he finds out about things like what I'm trying to hide from him. Those things he gets furious about, and there's no stopping him, when he's gone on a rampage. You just stay out of his way and hope you don't get hurt. It also doesn't help that Max is super protective over me....

I hear footsteps behind me, making me spin around, pointing my wand at the person. I see Draco standing a few feet away from me, making me sigh. I lower my wand, before speaking.

"Don't do that... I could've hurt you", I sigh.

"It would've been my fault", Draco shrugs his shoulders, as he walks over to me and onto the balcony.

"Maybe, but I don't wanna hurt you", I admit, making Draco glance at me.

I love the way the moonlight hits his skin and makes it look like he's glowing. His skin is so soft and perfect that it just looks so amazing.

"What are you doing out here", Draco asks, leaning against the railings.

"I needed a break from Ginny. She's been talking about the christmas party all day, and I knew she'd talk about it for hours into the night", I explain, making Draco chuckle.

"Who are you going with?'

"Don't get mad cause we're only going as friends... but I'm going with Harry. We both needed someone to go with, and we both trust each other, since he's practically like a brother to me", I admit.

"Why would I get mad? It's not like we're dating.... You can do whatever you want..", Draco says.

"I know... but... I know how much you and Harry hate each other..."

"We may hate each other... but we've got one thing in common..."

"What's that?" Draco slowly steps towards me, brushing my hair behind my ear, making my heart pick up the pace.

"You...", Draco whispers, looking me in the eye, when he says it. He slowly starts to lean down, when the speaker comes on.

"Attention students, downtime is over, curfew has come forth, return to your dormitories. If you are caught outside curfew times, you will be losing house points and getting detention. Thank you."

The speaker goes off, and Draco pulls back.


"It's fine... Walk me to the Gryffindor Tower?"

"Of course...." Draco wraps his arm around me, and we leave The Astronomy Tower.

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