The Room of Requirement

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As I'm walking down the corridors, from the corner of my eye, I see Draco walking towards a wall. I stop walking and hide behind a wall, peaking around the corner. I see Draco stop right in front of this particular wall, before he walks past it three times. I hear him say something, but I can't tell what he said. The doorway appears out of nowhere, making my eyes widen, before he walks inside.

I wait a few minutes, before walking over to the wall. I stand in front of it, before sighing.

"This is so stupid", I sigh, looking at the wall.

I think I know what this room, behind the wall, is. I'm pretty sure it's the Room of Requirement.

To open it, you have to walk past the area of the door three times, thinking of what you need. I slowly walk past it three times, thinking about needing the truth, before I stop in front of it. "I need the truth." The doorway appears again, making me smile. "That actually worked..." I slowly walk inside, before it shuts behind me.

I glance around, looking at all the different furniture pieces and random objects are in here. This is so weird....

I hear footsteps ahead of me, making me stop, dead in my tracks. I quietly hide behind the mounds of stuff, before peaking around the corner. I see Draco walking towards something, as he tosses an apple in his hand. He's looking around, like he's looking for something and doesn't know where it is.

I watch as he looks forwards, before walking over to an object with a dusty blanket over it. He sighs, before pulling the blanket off, revealing the same cabinet as the one in Borgin and Burkes.

I knew that cabinet looked familiar. There's two of them, twins. I just... never knew where the second one was. I'm not sure what it's for, but I know that it's... not good.

From the angle that I'm in, I can see Draco's face, and... I'm not gonna lie... he looks a little bit... nervous.... Usually his expression is, again, stone, cold, but... it's not now. It's.... different... I move slightly, accidently bumping something, making it fall over. Draco snaps his head towards where the sound came from, making me quickly rush away from the scene. I run towards the door, before rushing past it three times, thinking of needing an exit. "I need an exit", I whisper, making the doorway appear. I glance back to see Draco rushing around the corner. I run out of the room, hearing his voice behind me.


*Draco's Pov*

I hear a crash come from the right of me, making me snap my head over. I don't see anyone, but I can hear footsteps. I follow behind the sound of the footsteps, getting my wand out. I rush around the corner to see the doorway appear. I look down to see the person that was watching me, rushing out of the room. "Hey", I yell. The person glances at me, but all I see is a flash of long dark brown hair rushing around the corner.

She seemed familiar, but... I can't pinpoint it. It almost looked like...

Nah, it couldn't have been....

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