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As I'm exploring in Knockturn Alley, which, yes, I know is dangerous, but I can't help but explore around here, my curiousity gets the best of me, from the corner of my eye, I see a flash of white blonde hair pass by, in the distance, making me turn my head slightly. I see a tall, slim, pale, extremely blonde headed guy walking down an alley, following a few people.

That kind of looks like...

Nah, it couldn't be. What would he be doing in Knockturn Alley?

Hmm... Maybe I should follow.

Like I said... my curiosity gets the best of me.

I slowly follow behind the people, keeping my distance and being extremely careful and quiet.

I really can't imagine why he would be here and why he would be acting like he doesn't wanna be followed. I mean... I'm not sure if that's actually the case or not, but.... if it is him, he certainely doesn't look like he wants to be followed.

I watch as they head down some steps, before approaching the door to Borgin and Burkes.

"What the hell", I whisper, under my breath.

I watch as the blonde boy hesitates to walk inside, before he actually does, letting the door shut behind him.

I glance up at a roof, before sighing.

Well, might as well. I grab onto the side of the building, before climbing on top of a bin and swinging myself on top of the roof. I climb up the side of it, before peaking over.

I see the blonde boy approaching the cabinet, and I finally get a good look at him.

Oh my god..... It is him....

"Draco", I mutter, my eyes widening.

I watch Draco slowly approach an old, dusty looking, black cabinet, making me scrunch my eyebrows together.

Okay, so there's an old black cabinet in Borgin and Burkes, a place that sells old furniture.... Right. I'm not sure what's so important about this particular cabinet.

I watch as he slowly slowly strokes the side of it, examining it carefully.

Okay... so now he's stroking the cabinet. Right.

He feels it carefully, making me slowly sit up a bit, so I can get a better look at the scene.

I watch as Draco's mum approaches Draco, speaking a few words to him, before kissing his cheek.

As I'm watching them, a black figure steps in front of the window, making me quickly duck down. I wait a few seconds, before slowly peaking over to see him yank the curtains shut.


I quietly jump down from the roof, before sighing.

I don't know what the hell was going on in there, and I'm not sure I wanna know what the hell was going on in there. Well... part of me does... and part of me doesn't.

I know it's not my business, but... I'm just so curious, as to what he was doing with that cabinet. Is it... some kind of ritual they do before buying furniture?

Nah, that's really stupid of me to think, but I do wish it were that, rather than... something worse.

I sigh again, before I slowly walk back towards Diagon Alley, keeping an eye out for anything else.

Oh Draco.... what have you gotten yourself into....?

I'm not gonna lie though... he looked really attractive. His once kind of sharp features have gotten sharper and more defined and mature. His once slim figure is now kind of... built and strong. I did notice, though, his eyes are... grayer and... have less emotion and color in them. It's like... he's lost part of himself...

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