Our Surprise Guests...

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*The Next Night- Draco's Pov*

"We're going to the James' for a Christmas dinner", Dad says.

"What", I exclaim.

"Honey, I know you and Annabelle don't get along very well, but Evelyn and Thomas invited us specifically, and we took them up on their offer. Our families have known each other for years. Can't you be civil to Annabelle for one night", Mum sighs.

"I guess....."

"Good. Now, go get dressed. We're going to get there at 5pm sharp. We're not gonna be late", Dad orders. I stay silent, clenching my jaw, before I head upstairs.

I can't believe I'm spending Christmas with Belle....

Part of me is kind of happy about it. I mean, we don't necessarily hate each other anymore, but... she is still mad at me from the other night at Slughorn's... I could see it in her eyes.... She was disappointed in me. She didn't even say anything to me, when I passed by her in the train....

However, the other part of me is kind of... nervous. I mean... I don't know if I'll be able to control myself. I've been wanting to kiss her ever since I started realizing that... I might actually have feelings for her...

I just wanna feel her lips against mine.... Is that so much to ask for? I know she wants to kiss me cause she didn't move away, when I started to lean in. I could tell she wanted it, but then we got interrupted....

I think... if tonight goes good... I'm gonna have to kiss her... I'm just gonna have to... I'm in love with her...

*My Pov*

"They're here", Mum calls from downstairs.

"Okay! I'll be down in a few", I yell back. I apply one more layer of lipstick, before looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I don't look half bad. I slowly leave my room, before I take a deep breath. I brace myself to greet my surprise guests, before I slowly walk towards the stairs.

*Draco's Pov*

I hear heels walking down the stairs, making me look over. I see Belle walking down the steps, making my eyes widen. Oh my god....

She looks even more stunning than at the Christmas party. She looks absolutely... drop-dead gorgeous.... When she makes it down the steps, she slowly looks up to see me and my parents looking at her in awe.

"Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. What a surprise! I didn't know you were our guests", Belle smiles.

I can tell she's surprised. Her mum must not have told her.

"We are! Your mum invited us, and we gladly accepted. I have to say, Annabelle... you look beautiful tonight", Mum smiles, as they exchange hugs.

"Aww, thank you, Narcissa! So do you", Belle smiles. Belle slowly looks over at me, and she walks towards me. "Draco..."

"Annabelle..." I slowly open up my arms, and she walks into them. I wrap my arms around her, hugging her warmly.

I'm actually pretty surprised she's letting me hug her. I'm surprised she didn't try to change the subject or get out of it.

She must not be that mad at me.

*My Pov*

I smile to myself, as Draco hugs me. I don't know why I accepted his hug. No one would've been surprised, if I declined. It's just... I still have such strong feelings for Draco, and.... I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it.... Despite everything that he's lied to me about... he still saved me. He still cared enough to make sure I was okay.... That's the side of Draco that I'm in love with....

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