People Change

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*The Next Morning*

I finish curling my hair into wavy curls, before looking at my reflection.

I have my normal makeup on with my favorite red lipstick, my hair's curled, and I have my day one uniform on.

My uniform consists of a black 3/4 sleeved crop top with my tie and badge attatched to it, my favorite black leather mini skirt, black ankle boots. Finally, I have my rope on top of it.

I love the way the robe falls over my body. It fits to it, showing off my curves, and it looks really good with my skirt.

I smile to myself, before leaving the bathroom and walking over to my bed. I grab my messenger bag and wand, before leaving my room.

In my bag, I have my school books, a quill, ink for my quill, my journal, and a few other things.

As I'm walking to The Great Hall, I start to think about Draco.

There's something up with him... but I don't know what. I mean, usually he engages in the first day back, by clapping, cheering and actually listening, but... all he did was sit there and stare at the table, like his mind was a million light years away.

It's like... I wanna find out what's going on with him and try to help him, but he hates me... He isn't gonna want or accept my help.

I shake the thoughts in my head, before walking into The Great Hall.

As soon as I enter a kid looks over at me, making his eyes widen. He whistles quite loudly, making a few other people look in the same direction. The boys clap, cheer, and whistle, and the girls just scoff.

I chuckle, rolling my eyes, as I walk over to the Gryffindor table. I take a seat next to Harry, and he looks over at me.

"Well, that's a good way to start the school year off with", Harry chuckles.

"You know.. I'm not trying to draw attention myself. This is what I wanted to wear, and this makes me feel sexy, so shush", I say.

"Don't listen to him, Belle. You look great", Ginny smiles.

"Thank you, Ginny. At least someone appreciates what I'm doing and why", I smile.

"Well, I think you look so sexy", I hear Jason whisper in my ear, making my eyes widen.

"Hi, Jason", Hermione smiles.

She didn't hear what he said.

No one did....

I clench my jaw, tensing up, as he sits on the other side of me. From the corner of my eye, I see Max walking over to us, making me relax a little, but I'm still tense.

Max sits across from me, before speaking. "Damn, Belle. You think you're showing enough skin", Max jokes, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"People change..."

"I think she looks great", Jason says, when I feel his hand snake around my lower waist. I bite the inside of my lip, laughing nervously.

*Draco's Pov*

I glance up to see some guy with his arm wrapped around Belle, making me clench my jaw. She looks really uncomfortable. I can tell that she's really tense, by the way her body is. I can also tell that she doesn't like the guy.

I saw the same guy all up on her yesterday, as well, and she looked really uncomfortable.

If I ever get my hands on that guy... it's not gonna be pretty.

I don't know what it is about Belle that's so.... alluring, but I don't like seeing other guys with their hands on her, especially if she's uncomfortable and doesn't like it.

I never took her as the kind of person to just let that arsehole touch her... Hmm.. Maybe there's more to it than what I can see....

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