The Unwelcomed Guest and Secrets

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*My Pov*

After about thirty minutes of working really hard on my drawing, I finally add the last line in, before smiling. It's done! I clean off my quill and close my bottle of ink, securely, before slipping it into my bag. I put my journal and quill back into my bag, as well.

I slowly stand up, stretching my arms and legs out, before turning around. I jump, when I see a very strong, built, muscled up man standing about ten feet away from me. I can't tell who it is cause they're wearing a black hoodie with the hood up. 

"Can I help you", I ask, nervously.

"No, but I can help you", He answers, in a deep voice. It's very unrecognizable. I don't know who it is.

"No, thanks. I don't need any help", I say, grabbing my bag and rushing past him.

However, he grabs my wrist, roughly pulling me back. He throws my bag down and snakes his arm around me.

"I really don't need any help", I say, trying to pull away.

"Okay. I admit this wasn't to help you... but to hell me... I'm so horny, and I really wanna fuck you", He admits, before slamming me against a wall. I feel his cold, grubby, clammy hand run up my thigh, making me cringe.

"Please, stop", I beg.

He doesn't stop.

He swiftly slams his lips into mine, gripping my arms and shoving his tongue down my throat. I try to push him off me, but he keeps a tight grip on my arms. I bite down on his tongue, making him release me. I quickly push him away, before dashing towards the door. However, he grabs me, pulling me back, before I can get even close to  the door. He spins me around and raises his hand.

Before I know it, I'm lying on the floor left with a horrid sting in my cheek. I let out a deep breath, before slowly looking up at Jason. He's walking over to me, making my eyes widen.

"No.... No, I'm sorry", I beg, trying to crawl away.

Jason starts to speak, when someone grabs him, slamming him against the wall. I jump, when the person speaks.

"Don't you EVER touch her again", The guy snaps. Oh my god....

I know that voice...


*Draco's Pov*

I rush up the steps, making it to the top. I burst open the door to see Jason raise his, before smacking Belle across the face, sending her flying onto the floor.

My eyes widen, and I feel the anger inside me flaring up.

I hear Belle let out a deep breath, before slowly looking up at Jason. He's walking over to her.

"No.... No, I'm sorry", I hear Belle beg, trying to crawl away.

Okay... that's it.

Jason starts to speak, when I storm towards him and slam him against the wall.

"Don't you EVER touch her again", I snap, feeling all the built up anger inside me coming loose of it's chains.

"Draco....", I hear Belle say.

I don't let go of Jason. I glare at him, as he smirks at me.

"What are you gonna do, rich boy? Beat me up", Jason smirks.

"As a matter of fact...", I start, when Belle cuts me off.

"Draco, stop. You could get expelled. Just think about this", Belle sighs. I glance at her to see that she's scared. I slowly look back at Jason, before speaking again.

"If you EVER lay another finger on her.... I'll make sure you pay... DON'T.. underestimate me", I snap, before pushing him away. He runs out of here, making me roll my eyes. "Coward..." I take a deep breath, before walking over to Belle. I kneel down, before looking at her.

"Are you okay", I question, looking at her cheek. It's red. There's gonna be a bruise there...

"I guess..... Are you okay", Belle asks, looking me in the eyes.

"I'm fine", I lie, giving her a weak smile.

"No, you're not.... You have dark circles under your eyes, like you haven't slept properly in weeks. You've lost weight, like you haven't eaten anything in days. Your skin is more... grayish now, like whatever's on your mind... has taken a toll on you", I sigh.

"You don't have to worry about me..."

"Yes, I do. You worry about me too much. Please stop lying to me... I know you're not what you pretend to be... I saw the soft look on your face in Slughorn's. I know you, Draco. You care about me, and I do care about you....", I sigh.

"Maybe one day... but right now's not the right time.... I promise... one day I'll tell you everything....

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