Watch Where You're Going!

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"Keep an eye out for Ginny", Molly says. I just nod in reply. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I just kept thinking about my grandma, but I'll be fine. I'll see you at Christmas", I say, before hugging her. I hand the man my bags, before sighing.

Here goes nothing.

I step onto the train, smiling to myself. I'm so excited for this year! I have a feeling something... different is gonna happen. I don't know what or why, but I just have a feeling.

As I'm looking around and walking forwards, I run straight into someone, making me stumble back.

"Watch where you're going", I hear a sharp voice snap. I flinch at the tone, before looking up to face the arse that decided to mess with me.

Oh my god.... It's Draco Malfoy...

"Well, maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings, instead of having your head stuck up your own arse all the time", I snap back, making Draco roll his eyes.

"That's a nice necklace of yours", Draco smirks, taking it into his hands. I swiftly push his hand away, making it slide out of his hand.

"Touch it again.... and I will make sure you wish you never messed with me", I growl.

"I don't think you know what I'm capable of", Draco warns, in a hushed tone.

"Was that a threat", I question, raising an eyebrow.

"No... Just a warning", Draco smirks.

"I'm not scared of you, Malfoy", I sneer, rolling my eyes.

"Well, you should be", Draco whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine. He winks at me, before walking off.

"Dick", I mutter, before rolling my eyes. I walk down the corridor, saying "hi" to everyone, when I find an empty compartment. I open the door, before shutting it behind me.

There. Peace and quiet.

I set my journal down, before opening it up to a drawing I've been working on for a while now.

I continue to work on it, when my thoughts start to wonder.

What did Draco mean by "you don't know what I'm capable of"? It was obviously a threat, but... what's he gonna do? Kill me? Yeah right. He may try to act big and tough, but he's not. He's a pathetic, self-absorbed, coward.

I will never let someone like him control my life. I will never let a bully like him scare me into silence. I will always stand up for myself, and I am never gonna get pushed around.

On the other hand, I saw a glimpse of something else in his eye, besides annoyance... I saw something... more...

Something different... but I don't know what...

I snap out of my thoughts, when I hear the door open. I look up to see Max, my big brother, standing in the doorway.

"Hi, sis", Max greets.

"Hi, Max", I greet back.

"Can I sit with you?"

"Course", I chuckle. Max shuts the door, before sitting across from me. "How was Jasons?"

Jason is Max's friend. I don't really like him that much. He kind of gives me the creeps. I mean, he just gives off a bad vibe. It could just be me. I don't know.

"Fun. We practiced some new spells last night. Jason almost blew his head off", Max admits, chuckling.

"You two need to be more careful", I chuckle, as I shut my journal and tuck it into my messenger bag.

"Yeah, I know..."

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