Quidditch Tryouts and the Half-Blood Prince

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"Hey, you okay? You've been acting kind of distant", Hermione asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Just haven't been getting a lot of sleep", I admit, only half-lying. I really haven't been getting a lot of sleep, but... I'm definitely not fine.

"Okay... Well, if you ever need anyone to talk to... I'm here for you", Hermione says, making me nod, smiling weakly. I look out at the field to see everyone fly up into the sky.

"Come on Weasley", I hear someone in the crowd cheer.

"Come on, Ron!"

"Go on, Weasley!"

I whistle, before cheering for him.

Everyone continues to cheer for Ron and one guy cheers for the other guy trying out for Keeper, Cormac.

After a few minutes, every single ball that's thrown at Cormac is caught perfectly.

He's not half-bad, but he's a douche. He's been staring at Hermione this entire time, and I can tell that she isn't into him.

Ooo, now it's Ron's turn!

I watch as the balls fly at him, and he catches them.... in odd ways, but he still dodged them!

Except one flies past him, and he tries to catch it, but he loses his balance and almost falls off. I tense up a little bit, as people keep cheering him on. I watch as he pulls himself back on his broom, making me relax.

I continue to watch as the players go back to Cormac. However, when a ball flies towards Cormac, he just straight-up misses it.

What the hell?

They go back to Ron and throw a ball at him, and he defends the ring, by flipping upside down, making the ball bounce off his head.

Hmm. Well, at least the protected the ring.

*Later- After Detention Day 2*

As I'm curled up on the couch, with my legs stretched out, over Ron's lap, as I read my book, Ron speaks. "I have to admit, I thought I was gonna miss that last one", Ron admits. "I hope Cormac's not taking it too hard", Ron adds, making me roll my eyes, playfully. "He's got a bit of a thing for you, Hermione. Cormac", Ron continues.

"He's vile", Hermione replies, simply.

"Have you ever heard of this spell? Sectumsempra", Harry asks, glancing between me and Hermione.

"Yeah. Heard of it. Never used it", I answer.

"No, I haven't. And if you had a shred of self-respect, you'd hand that book in", Hermione replies.

"Not bloody likely. He's top of the class. He's even better than you, Hermione. Slughorn thinks he's a genius", Ron points out, making Hermione glare at him. "What?"

"I'd like to know whose that book was. Let's have a look", Hermione says, trying to grab it from Harry.

"No", Harry says, before standing up.

"Why not", Hermione questions, standing up, as well.

"The binding is fragile", Harry answers, not sounding very certain.

"The binding is fragile", Hermione repeats.

"Yeah." Ginny grabs the book from it, standing up. She opens it, before looking down at it.

"Who's the Half-Blood Prince", Ginny asks.

"Who", Hermione questions.

"That's what it says right there: "This book is property of the Half-Blood Prince", Ginny reads, before shutting the book and tossing it back to Harry. He catches it, before walking off. I roll my eyes, before shutting my book and sitting up.

"You did good today, Ron", I say, before leaning over and kissing his cheek lightly. I stand up and head to the girl's dorms.

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