A Couple Weeks Later

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As Harry, Ron, Hermione, Max, Jason, and I are walking towards the Three Broomsticks, I feel Jason slide his arm around my waist. I tense up, clenching my jaw. "I need to talk to you later.... If you don't show up, it won't be pretty", Jason whispers in my ear. I don't say anything, before I yank myself out of his grip and speed up my pace.

"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it and yet you have no desire to find out who the Half-Blood Prince is", Hermione sighs.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it", Harry defends.

"Well, it's true. I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book", Ron admits, making me chuckle. "It's like being with Hermione", Ron adds.

"Well, I was curious, so I went to--", Hermione starts, but Ron and Harry cut her off.

"The library", They say in unison.

"The library. And?"

"And nothing. I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half-Blood Prince", Hermione sighs.

"There we go. That settles it, then", Harry says.

"Filius", I hear Slughorn exclaim. "I was hoping to find you in the Three Broomsticks!"

"Uh, no. Emergency choir practice, I'm afraid, Horace", Flitwick sighs, walking past us.

"Does anyone fancy a Butterbeer", Harry asks.

We all shrug our shoulders, before walking towards the Three Broomsticks. We head inside and walk over to a large table.

"No, sit beside me", Harry says to Ron.

"Okay..." Ron walks over to Ron, and I start to take off my jacket, when I see Draco leaving the bathroom, looking really tense. He stops walking, when our eyes meet. He notices Jason with his arm wrapped around my waist, tightly. He clenches his jaw, before quickly leaving.

"Sorry, guys. I'll have to come back another day....", I say, slipping my coat back on and pulling away from Jason.

"Where are you going", Max asks.

"I forgot... I have some, um, homework to catch up on", I lie, before quickly rushing out the door. I see Draco walking away, making me sigh. "Draco!" He stops walking and turns around. He scrunches his eyebrows together, as I walk up to him.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? I saw you in there.... You looked really tense", I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I have a lot on my mind right now...", Draco shrugs his shoulders.

"Care to go a bit more in detail?"

"No, actually. I don't..."

"Why are you being like this? I've seen the real you, Draco.... Don't get me that tough, bully bullshit or that stone, cold, emotionless bullshit.... You saved me, when Jason tried to force himself on me... You stood up for me... I know you....", I sigh, making Draco roll his eyes, clenching his jaw. "Don't close yourself up..."

"I don't know what you're talking about... I'm not doing anything... and I'm not pretending to be something I'm not. This is the real me... You don't know me at all", Draco hisses, before pushing me back, sending me onto the snowy ground. I slowly look up to see him continue walking, without another word.

God.... what's wrong with him.....

I haven't spoken to him in a while, but... I thought we had an understanding. I thought he had changed.... I thought I was starting to love him...... I guess I was wrong....

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