Unexpected Events

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*After Dinner*

I glance out on the balcony to see Draco staring up at the moon. "I'm gonna step outside for a bit and get some fresh air", I say, before walking over to the balcony doors. I open them, stepping outside, before I shut them behind me. "It's beautiful, isn't it", I sigh, making Draco glance at me. "The moon...."

"Yeah, it is....", Draco admits, as I walk over to him and lean against the railings.

"There aren't many nights where... the weather the perfect... the company is good... and there's no tension...", I say, making Draco look down at me. I slowly look over at him, making Draco sigh.

"Look... I know you're expecting me to explain why I was spying on you at Slughorn's party, but-", Draco starts. However, I cut him off, before he can continue.

"I know you weren't spying on me. I don't know why you were there... but it wasn't for me... I overheard you and Snape in the hall.... After I rushed out, I just sat out in a random, pretty faraway hall, but I heard footsteps and got scared, so I hid. I peaked out, after a couple seconds, to see you two.... I don't know why I decided to eavesdrop, but I did", I admit.

"I don't know what you think you heard-"

"I think I heard you say... 'maybe I hexed that bell girl. maybe I didn't...' I'm also pretty sure you said... 'I was chosen for this. Out of all others. Me. And I won't fail him.' I don't know who you're talking about... but I don't care to know. You lied to me. You told me everything was fine. You told me you were fine... I know we weren't friends, when this year started, and we're still not really friends... but we don't completely hate each other. I have proved that you can trust me... several times, but you still don't", I hiss, bitterly.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't wanna put you in danger", Draco exclaims, making me roll my eyes.

"Why would I be in danger?!"

"Because.... you're a Gryffindor. I'm a Slytherin... We're in rival houses, and you're right... you have proven yourself worthy of being trusted..."

"Then, why haven't you trusted me", I sigh.

"I can't tell you now, but let's just say... I've put myself in a dangerous situation that requires me to do dangerous and horrible things, and I refuse... to put you through those things... You don't deserve to get hurt because of my stupid actions.... You deserve better than that... I do trust you... Problem is... I don't trust myself", Draco admits, making my eyes widen.

"Draco....", I start, stepping towards him. "I am very aware that if we're anything more than enemies or even acquaintances... that my life will be on the line.... You won't say why, so I'm not gonna say how I know that... Thing is... I don't care... cause you see... when you feel like the way that I feel about you.... things like that... don't matter. You've saved my life. You've protected me. And that was just from my own stupid mistakes... You've made me feel like I'm actually worth something. You've shown that you actually give a damn... Therefore... if my life is on the line for loving you... then so be it... I don't care anymore...", I admit, making Draco smile. I smile back, before he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a soft kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing back just as passionate.

I have been waiting for this... for a while now... and it was so worth the wait...

After a few minutes, Draco hesitantly pulls away, keeping his face close to mine. He looks me in the eye, and I smile. "I've been waiting for the perfect moment to do that.... and it was worth the wait", Draco smiles.

"I agree", I admit, kissing his lips lightly.

"I really don't wanna ruin this moment, but... we can't tell anyone, and before you freak out and accuse me of not being proud of this... let me explain.... We can't tell anyone because he will find out... and I know you don't care about your life being put on the line... but he will kill you, without hesitation. You're friends with the person he's been trying to kill... for years. He may not even kill you... He may do a lot worse to you than killing you.... and I will not let that happen", Draco sighs.

"I know... and I understand. My friends can't find out either cause they will hate me and try to break us apart.... and I don't want that.... so until this is all over... this has to be a secret", I agree, sighing.

"Hmm... You're kind of like... my dirty little secret...", Draco smirks, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh, shut up", I chuckle, before he leans in and kisses my lips lightly.

Wow.... I know this is a bad idea.... but I can't help the way I feel.... and I really do love Draco Malfoy.....

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