Slughorn's Christmas Party

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I slowly leave the bathroom, letting the door shut behind me. Hermione and Ginny both look in my direction, and their eyes widen. "Oh my god....", Ginny says, her mouth dropping open.

"Do I look that bad", I ask, self-consciously.

"HELL NO", Ginny exclaims, making me laugh.

"She's right. You look... so beautiful", Hermione smiles.

"You really do! You look absolutely gorgeous", Ginny beams.

"Awwwww, thank you girls so much!! You both look gorgeous, as well", I smile, hugging both of them. "Now, let's get out there and show those boys that we know how to have a good time", I laugh, winking at them. They both laugh, as well, before we exit our dorm and head down to the Tower. I know, I'm meeting Harry at the entrance hall, but I'm not sure about Hermione or Ginny.

Oh, I am nervous. I don't know how this is gonna go or what's gonna happen, but I hope it's a pretty simple and easy party. I do love parties, though. I'm so charismatic and friendly that mingling is very delightful.

I just wish I could've went with Draco.... but he's not welcomed there, since he's not part of Slughorn's groupies. I'm not really either, but Harry is, and I'm going with Harry. I wasn't gonna go, but... what the hell, right? I haven't been to a party this year, and I've been so tense with Jason around that this will be the perfect opportunity to have some fun. I do only have one year left, and that year is gonna have to be more serious, so might as well enjoy this year, right?

About five minutes later, we finally make it to the other side of the castle, which is where the party is being held. I see Harry waiting by the entrance hall, making me smile. He does look very dashing.

When we make it over to him, Hermione and Ginny go ahead of us, making Harry look over at me. He didn't see me at first. His eyes widen, when he sees what I'm wearing. "Wow! Um... wow...", Harry says, trying to find the right word to say.

"You look nice to, Harry", I chuckle, smiling.

"Sorry. I just wasn't expecting.... this. You look... amazing, Belle. You really do", Harry smiles.

"Aww, thank you, Harry. Now, come on. Let's go inside and kick some arse", I smile, making Harry chuckle.

"Let's do it!" Harry links his arm with mine, and we walk down the hall.

"You know... I've never been to this part of the castle....", I admit, looking around. "It really is beautiful..."

"Yeah, it is..."

*Draco's Pov*

"You know... I've never been to this part of the castle", I hear a beautiful, angelic, soft voice say, making me look up. I look over to see Belle and Harry walking down the hall, with their arms linked. "It really is beautiful..."

"Yeah, it is...."

They walk past me, and my eyes widen. Belle didn't see me, but that's beside the point... she looks...... stunning, amazing, gorgeous, beautiful, out of this world! I don't know what to think. I mean, none of those words truly describe how beautiful she really looked.

God dammit, now I really wish I could've went with her.... I also wish I could've kissed her yesterday. She looked so... beautiful then, as well.

The way the moonlight hit her skin... made it glow, and I loved the way her eyes sparkled, when she would stare at the sky.... Her lips looked so full and soft, and I just wanted to kiss them... feel him against mine....

When I brushed her hair back, I felt how soft her skin is, and damn... it's soft...

I snap out of my thoughts, shaking my head.

No, I can't think like that... If I try to be with her... he won't be happy... She's a Gryffindor and friends with Potter. He'll hurt her.... I can't put her in danger, like that.... I just can't...

She doesn't deserve that.... She deserves the best. She deserves someone who'll protect her from anything and everything, and I won't be able to do that....

I have to stay away from her.... I have to....

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