Love, Death, It's All the Same

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I slowly limp down the hall, making my way through everyone. I wince in pain, clenching my jaw. Pretty much my leg and arm got burned and that spell that bitch Bellatrix threw at me hit me in the chest. I let out a deep breath, when someone rams straight into me, making me lose my balance. All my books go flying, but I don't. Thank god... Someone caught me. The person pulls me up to my feet, making me sigh. "Thanks..."

"No problem..." Wait... That voice.. I know it. I slowly look up to see Draco kneeling down to pick up my books.

"Draco?" He doesn't anything, before he stands back up and hands me my books. He starts to walk away, but I rush over to him, as fast as I can, and I grab his arm. "Wait!" Draco stops walking and sighs.

"Did I do something", I ask, making him instantly look at me.

"Of course not..."

"Then, why aren't you talking to me", I question.

"I can't bare to see you in pain... because of something that I'm apart of... You could've died. I knew I shouldn't have gotten close to you...", Draco shakes his head.

"I already told you, I don't care. I chose to go out there and help them. I chose to go with my gut feeling and that put me in danger... not you", I sigh.

"Doesn't matter. I can't risk you getting hurt again..."

"So, what are you saying? All that shit you said to me last night was what? Fake? Lies?"

"Of course it wasn't.... Belle, I am in love with you, but I can't lose you..... I'm willing to give up these feelings... for you. For the greater good. To keep you alive. I'm too dangerous.... I can't let something like this happen again... I'm sorry", Draco sighs, making tears start to form.

"Draco... don't do this.... I need you.... You're everything to me... I can't lose you..."

"You're not losing me.... I'll still see you around.... but we can't be together.... You need someone who's gonna keep you from danger... and not put you in it. You need someone who's gonna be able to protect you... I can't do that, obviously.... I'm sorry, Belle. I really am... If I could change things, I would...", Draco says. Again his expression is...



"I love you..." Draco leans down and kisses my lips softly, before he pulls away. He looks me in the eye one more time, before he disappears into the crowd.

I just lost the love of my life.....

I think I'm gonna be sick to my stomach....

I quickly dash off to The Gryffindor Tower, before rushing inside. I head up to my dormitory, before running inside. I shut the door, locking it. I throw my stuff down, before running to the bathroom.

*That Night*

As I'm lying on my bed, I hear the door open, but I don't pay any attention to it. "Belle", Hermione questions.

"I'm still alive", I say, rolling my eyes.

"Good. I was beginning to worry... You didn't show up to any of your classes... and everyone thought you were sick or something", Hermione sighs.

"Oh, I am sick.... I lost the love of my life..."

"What?! But you're not even dating anyone or anything like that... You never even talk about guys..."

"Maybe not, but... I sure was in love with him", I admit, sitting up.


"Doesn't matter now, does it? He gave me up.... for the greater good. Now, just leave me here to wallow in my self-pity", I sigh.

"You can't do this to yourself, Belle... Obviously, he didn't love you that much, if he gave you up that easily...."

"Oh, trust me... He did love me. He gave me up to keep me alive... Besides... love, death... it's all the same..... It all sucks, and it all turns around and bites you in the arse..."

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