"It's None of Your Business..."

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*The Next Day*

I look at my reflection in the mirror, before smiling. I look pretty good.

I have a simple black crop top on, a pair of dark red high-waisted shorts, and a pair of black knee-high boots. My normal makeup is done, obviously. I have my robe on, my tie on, and my Gryffindor crest on.

I'm going for a simpler look today.

I grab my bag, before leaving my room.

Yesterday was so weird. I mean, I actually enjoyed talking to Draco for the first time... ever, and for the first time... ever.. he wasn't a complete douche to me. He actually was genuinely curious about me and why I am the way I am... Of course, he was still a little flirt a couple times, but I doubt that'll ever stop. Honestly, I don't really mind it. Draco is a really attractive guy, and... he seems different. I would've never admitted that he was attractive or anything like that, but now... he's actually civil and decent to me, so I don't mind it. Do I want anyone to find out that I actually find Draco attractive? Hell no! He would just mock me and tease me the rest of the year. Besides, we're never gonna be anything but civil to each other, so there's no point in him finding out.

When I make it to The Grand Hall, I head inside. I walk over to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Max, and they all look up at me. "Awe, Belle. You look so pretty", Hermione smiles.

"Thanks! So do you", I smile, taking a seat next to Max.

"So, how was detention", Ron asks.

"What?! You got detention", Max, exclaims, looking at me.

"For a week", Harry adds, making me glare at them.

"For something stupid", I add.

"Oh, really? What would that stupid thing be", Max questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Doesn't matter. It's none of your business", I answer, rolling my eyes.

I sigh to myself, when I see Draco walking in, making me look up. Draco glances over at the Gryffindor table, when his eyes meet mine. I look back down, rubbing my temples.

"Morning, everyone", I hear Jason greet, making me tense up. I feel his hand brush past mine lower back, as he passes by me. He takes a seat next to me, before placing his hand on my upper thigh.

I clench my jaw and fists, as he squeezes my thigh.

"I'm not done with you, you slut", Jason whispers in my ear. I notice Draco glaring at Jason, considering he knows how Jason is to me and what he does to me.

He's the only one that knows, besides me and Jason. At least, I know someone knows the truth, which makes me feel a bit better. Now, if only Jason would stop doing this to me that would be great.

"I have to go", I sigh, before grabbing my bag and standing up.

"But you haven't eaten anything", Hermione says.

"I lost my appetite. See you guys in Potions", I say, glancing at Jason, before I quickly rush out of The Grand Hall.

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