Detention: Night 1

339 8 0

I slowly walk into Snape's office, in some worn out, old but still cute clothes.

I see Draco sitting far away from Jason, as I was expecting.

"Ah, Mrs. James. Nice of you to join. Just take a seat anywhere, and I'll explain how this is gonna go...." I nod silently and take a seat closer to Draco than Jason. "Now, I'm gonna sit back here, Mr. Teague, you're gonna pick the gum off the desks, Miss James you're gonna be dusting, and Mr. Malfoy you're gonna be mopping. All your supplies are right over there, so have at it", Snape explains, before taking a seat behind his desk and opens up his book.

I sigh to myself, before standing up and walking over to the cleaning supplies. I grab a rag and some cleaner, as Draco also walks over to the supplies. I feel his strong arm brush past my side, making me smile to myself.

He's wearing a fitted white button down shirt and some jeans, and I'm not gonna lie.... he looks really attractive.

I quickly slide past him and walk over to a shelf. From the corner of my eye, I see him grab a mop and bucket, before he starts on the other side of the room.

I choose to ignore everyone and start dusting off shelves.

I'm not sure why Snape gave me detention, since I didn't do anything, but whatever. He's not taking any points away from Gryffindor, so I don't care.

It is a bit strange that Malfoy just took the punishment, without trying to argue or get out of it. He usually doesn't like to do anything that'll get his hands dirty.

Lately, he's been really strange. I mean, he's been constantly looking over at me, making our eyes meet, he cracked a smile at me yesterday, he was being civil with me yesterday, as well, and he stood up for me when Jason was trying to kiss me. I don't know why Draco's been so... different, but he has been, and it's been so weird.

It's been nice... I mean, he doesn't just sneer at me all the time and harass me. I kind of like... the change, but... I know it's not because of anything good.

Something's going on with him, and I wanna know what, but he's never gonna open up to me. He doesn't open up to anyone, not even his friends or family. There's no way in hell he would ever open up to me, out of all people....

That reality sucks, I'm not gonna lie...

I wanna help him, but he won't let me....

I snap out of my thoughts, as I continue to take Snape's objects off the shelves and dust underneath them.


From the corner of my eye, I see Draco unbutton his shirt, while sweat trickles down his bare chest. Damn.... That's not a bad sight. He must be getting hot.

I try to avoid looking at him, but it is hard. He's got a nice set of abs. They're not too defined or too much. They're just right.

I finally place the last object on the shelf, before spinning around to walk back over to the table and put my supplies away. However, when I spin around, I run straight into someone. I stumble back, not realizing that the floor is slippery. I brace myself to fall, but someone catches me by the arm and pulls me to my feet. I grab the person's arm to steady myself. Dang... they have nice muscles. I open my eyes to see a bare chest in front of me. I slowly look up to see Draco smirking down at me.

"Draco... uh, sorry. I wasn't... paying attention", I say, rather quickly, as I pull away from him.

"Righhhhhhht", Draco teases, winking at me.

"Oh, shut up", I roll my eyes, blushing lightly. I walk past him, before putting my supplies away. I walk over to Snape, and he looks up at me. "I'm done."

"So am I", I hear Draco say from behind me.

"Ok. Go back to your dorms. I already informed the other professors that you would be late getting back, so you won't get in trouble..." I nod, before I walk towards the door.

"Hey, Belle, wait up", I hear Draco call, making me stop dead in my tracks. I turn around to see him walking over to him, with his shirt still unbuttoned.


"It's... dark out and... not safe for you to be walking back alone.... so I'm gonna walk you to your dorm", Draco says.

"Was that a question or a statement", I smirk, raising an eyebrow.

"A statement", Draco smirks back.

"Well, alright. Since you didn't ask, I guess I can't say no", I sigh, before we both leave the classroom.

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