Surprise, Surprise

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*After Class*

"Hey, Harry! Wait up", I call, making Harry stop walking and turn around.

"Oh, Belle. Hello", Harry smiles.

"Hi", I chuckle. "Hey, good job on your brew. I was almost done, but I had forgotten what else came in it, and the instructions were wrong, so I couldn't go by those", I admit.

"Yeah, they were wrong in the normal books, but mine, for some reason, was apparently right. Wait, how did you know how to brew it without the book?"

"Remember? My father experiments with potions and things like that for a living. I watched him make it, and I learn from watching. Plus I'm a quick learner", I remind him.

"Oh yeah! Makes sense", Harry admits.

"Anyways, what class do you have next?"

"Defense. You?"

"Same as you!"

"Oh, well wanna walk with me?"

"Sure", I smile. We both start to walk towards Snape's class, when I start to think about Draco.

He was actually being civil with me today... I don't know why, and.. he actually smiled for once! What has happened to the world?! Everything's changing so fast, and I can't keep up.

I am a little curious as to why he smiled and was being civil, though. He had no reason to be. He just... was.

I wonder why....

We make it to Snape's room, before heading inside. I see a couple of students already in there, so we head inside.

Now, Defense is my favorite subject, but I'm not very fond of Snape, so I'm gonna sit in the back. Harry walks over to Ron and sits next time, whilst I take a seat in the very, far left back.

I get out my journal, quill, and ink, before opening up to the drawing I've been working on. I smile to myself, when I feel a presence behind me. I glance behind me to see Jason looking down at my drawing. He's got his hand on the other side of my chair to where his arm is behind me. He leans closer to me, setting his hand on the table to where I'm trapped.

"That's really good", Jason says, making me quickly shut my journal. "What did I say?"

"Nothing... I just don't like people seeing my personal drawings", I answer, tensing up, as his lower region touches my bag.

"Come on, just let me see it", Jason says, trying to snatch my journal away from me.

"No. Just stop", I say, grabbing it and putting it in my bag. I grab my bag and stand up, turning around. However, Jason stops me, by blocking my way.

"Maybe I don't wanna stop", Jason smirks.

"B-But I asked you to...", I point out, my voice shaking.

"And what are you gonna do, if I don't stop", Jason growls, in a low voice.

"Um..." I hear the bell ring, making Jason sigh.

"This isn't over..." He walks over to his friend, making me relax a little.

Shit... Jason has never got that... bad before....

I sit back down, as students start shuffling in.

I watch as everyone picks a seat with a friend, and I sigh to myself, glancing at the empty chair next to me.

Well, I guess it's more room for me.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts", Snape says, as he writes the words on his board, using his wand. "You need to know how to defend yourself against the dark arts. It's a basic essential to surviving in these times", Snape starts, looking around at everyone. "Some of the areas we'll be studying in are: Nonverbal spells, Inferius, Dementors, Cruciatus Curse, and resisting the Imperius Curse", Snape continues, when I hear the door open. Everyone looks back at it to see Draco walking in.

"Sorry I was late sir", Draco sighs, shutting the door.

"You're lucky it's the first day back or else you'd be getting detention. Don't let it happen again", Snape warns. Draco nods, before speaking.

"Where do I sit?"

"In an empty seat..." Draco glances around, when he sees that the only empty seat.... is next to me. "Surprise, surprise... Looks like you'll be sitting with Miss James", Snape says, trying not to crack a smirk.

He knows how much we dislike each other.

Draco clenches his jaw, before walking over to me and taking a seat next to me.

"Now... as I was saying..."

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