Is there any Chance I Could Love Him?

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*In Potions*

As I'm practicing a brew, I hear someone speak behind me. "I saw Jason", I hear Draco say, as he walks over to his cauldron, which is in front of mine.

"Okay? He sits with Max, and Max sits with me, so if you were looking at me, then I'm not surprised that you saw him, so... what's the big deal", I say, trying to play it off as nothing.

"The big deal is... he was doing it again, wasn't he? Touching you. Making you uncomfortable. Threatening you", Draco sighs.

"I really don't wanna talk about this right now. Can you just leave it alone", I sigh, when Draco walks over to me. I avoid eye contact with him, so he takes my hands away from my cauldron, turning me towards him.

"Look at me..." I slowly look up at him to see a different expression on his face.... Instead of his normal stone, cold look that's always plastered on his face... his expression is almost...


"I can't leave it alone", Draco sighs.


"Cause I know he's hurting you. It may not be physical... yet, but it'll get there, and when he starts physically hurting you, he won't be able to stop... and I don't want that to happen", Draco admits.

"Why do you care so much", I roll my eyes.

"Cause you don't deserve it", Draco says, softly.

What is this... weird feeling in my stomach...?

I've never had this feeling before. It's almost like I'm gonna throw up but... not in a sick way. It's like a thousand tiny little butterflies are fluttering all around my stomach. It's like my brain is going fuzzy, and my heart is skipping beats...

Oh no....

I know what this is....

It's love....

There's no way I'm in love with Malfoy... I don't even like him! We're not even friends for fuck's sake! Why would I love him?!

I mean, yeah he's very attractive, especially this year, and yeah, he does seem to care for me... somewhere in there, but... we're in rival houses. His family hates my friends. Why the hell would I love him?!

It could be because of his... change in expression. Stone, cold to... soft...

It could be because of the fact that when I smelt that love potion in Slughorn's... I smelt him... All Draco's scents.... Apparently, he attracts me.

I mean, I couldn't doubt it, but... I can't be with him.

I saw him with that cabinet. He's up to no good... I still can't figure out what he was doing, but there was no way he was just furniture shopping... Who goes to Borgin and Burkes for furniture? It does have furniture, but it's all cursed or used for bad things. It's not really normal furniture.

Oh no..... Draco has got himself in something bad... I just know it...

Draco starts to lean in, when someone speaks.

"Is there a problem here?"

"No", I say, pulling back. Slughorn nods, before walking back off. I look away from Draco, before turning away.

Was he gonna........ kiss me?

I don't know why he would kiss me, but... it definitely looked like he was going to...

I don't know if I actually like him or not, but I do have... some type of strong emotions for him....

Is there any chance I could love him?

I don't know if there is, but.... I kind of hope there is......

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